Homework is not for the faint of heart.

This weekend was full of adventure and challenges. The balloons from the balloon fest were almost visible from the balcony of our little house.
If you look really close at the mountain range you can see the little dots! I was up time to go to the launch but my laziness won out and I stayed home.

On Sunday we went to the splash pad after our bible story time and the girls enjoyed getting wet and of course #9 begged and begged for lunch out. So we did go to Wendy's for lunch soaking wet!

Bathing suits are over rated! When you're hot who has time to change? Just do it and enjoy!
Each year we have visited the various "Humpty Dumpty's" around town. So of course we had to take a before the water and an after the water picture with this one.

Didn't seem to bother Humpty either way...
Homework had to wait the days are slipping away and the paper and pencils will keep. Their smiles are worth enjoying the day for and certainly outshine the angst that will come when homework is due.


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