The drama plays on...

There are so many days that I wonder  "Did I do the right thing in leaving?" The drama continues and the new manager doesn't take advice or even seek advice. It's the residents that are going to be affected as the staff will leave and the new staff will not care. I know that sounds drastic but the manager does NOT want them getting to really know the residents. No hugging, no sitting for a few minutes and listening to stories, no enjoying a few minutes to hear about a new great grandchild, none of the things that make the building their home.

It has been 30 days since I "left". Of course it hasn't been 30 spent away from the drama as everyday or two someone makes contact. That is most likely why I have doubts about my leaving. Would I go back? No. It has taken all of those 30 days to decide that but no, I would not go back. I miss most of the residents, not all of them, but most. 

I have to add that while this is all depressing and stuff... The time I have on hand to get stuff done is still short of what I need!!! I need time to just catch up with old friends, sew, crochet and bake. The last 30 days was only the start. The next 30 have to be more regulated in what I accomplish, including exercise.

Of course there are other things that need attention too. Most of these are on the urgent side to boot!

And then I get a phone call from a coworker and she is very upset saying that the new manager said to not :( it just doesn't end....


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