The day after hangover.. Birthday party hangover that is....

What is it about Birthday Parties for kids that wear me out? I mean really we were the guests and nothing was required except attendance.. how hard can that be? Well if you have or know a spectrum kid you might understand. 

There is the task of getting ready that can go extreme either way. They can fully co-operate or seize the moment to raise holy cane! Having more than one... loads of fun! Also loads of challenges. Patience can be at a premium some days.

Over the years I had collected a closet full of "gift" items to please just about any age. This eliminated running out to the store with any kids in tow and last minute stress. Well, after the house burned down my "closet" has become a plastic tub. Unfortunately every time I leave the house and have DH watch the kiddos it becomes their mission to seek and destroy any secrecy surrounding the contents of the "tub".

This house is less than a fifth the size of our old home. This leaves fewer hiding places. :( I'm not complaining, really, I'm not. It is also less to clean and I can't "hoard" items I don't need. Of course getting back to the birthday party hangover I didn't have anything in the box for the birthday girl. That meant running to the store. UGH! Even worse with four kiddos!

Then the phone rang! One of the kiddos was about to be picked up mom got off work early!!! Oh my jack pot! DH was also home! He cut his day at the property short so he could work on a car. The 2 year old was ready for a nap... so maybe if I got her down I could sneak out childless to get a gift!

Success was mine! The kid went out like a light, the neighbor kid was home to play with and I was out of there! A quick but expensive trip to Target and I was back for the meltdown. No one wanted to get moving to go to the party. It meant changing clothes, wiping faces and putting on socks... that was the worst part. Socks.

Who invented socks anyway?


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