
Showing posts from March, 2020

To snow or not to snow...

Last week the weather posted something about snow today. Then this morning the forecast was less than snow maybe just some rain. but in reality it was just another virus day. Now that a neighbor has been exposed and his kids cannot play with the other kids... although they had all played together all week before the discovery. It was a sad day indeed. Kids stuck in their own yards for their own good. What about the good of the parents? Does no one understand that a lack of free babysitting can wreak havoc?  Don't even mention the ridiculous amount of work on the website for the kids! Now the rumor is that instead of having a week's worth of work posted and getting the whole week to do it, it will be posted daily and removed if not done. So that unfortunately, solidifies my resolution to remove myself and the kids from the system. Sadly, I am sure they may lose credit for this year. But I think we can make it up and move on with positive results and less stress. Today was to...

Spring Break is Over?

Hard to believe that Spring Break is over. The kiddos will head back to school tomorrow... NOT! Okay well they will get back to doing school work just not with the free babysitters. That part is enough to make me sad. But on to bigger fish... I went to the commissary yesterday and it was nice to shop without any littles underfoot. Of course it didn't take long as my list was not that long. That and they didn't have a lot of the items that I was looking for. The big surprise were the limitations that were imposed. If you were in need of beef or pork it was cool, no limits, however chicken had a 3 package limit and eggs a 2 package limit, of paper products were the typical 1 per customer. The thing that surprised me most was the chicken. I haven't seen chicken there in several weeks and this trip was no different.  The trip was over and it was back to craziness. We had to run out to the property and try to find the bundle of keys that DH lost on Friday. I cannot complain ...

Yesterday's gone... Today isn't looking too promising and tomorrow is still a dream.

Yesterday the dinner plan was broccoli and beef. No Broccoli. So knowing that there was broccoli in the freezer at the new house, I sent DH a text to bring a bag home. I then thawed the meat, made the rice and waited... DH arrived but didn't read my text so no broccoli. It's cool the rice will keep and the meat can go into the refrigerator. I did run to King Soopers and pick up some fresh broccoli. When I returned home DH stated he did not want to eat. So everything went into the refrigerator for later. Today is later. I cannot find my phone and it is a bit frustrating as I know DH is going to say "I texted you". As tempting as it would be to reply in the same manner, I won't as it won't accomplish anything. Without the phone I don't have the phone numbers that I would normally have to catch up with people. The pictures I took of cars "social distancing" won't be posted. Some cars were violating the order anyway. Without a phone... I am REA...

Making Bread...

Funny thing happened when I went to make the bread today... I got distracted and forgot a key ingredient. So looking at my dough it hit and I added the ingredient and kneaded it some more. Time and baking will tell if I wasted my efforts completely. Today was supposed to be the day that I caught up on all the mixes that needed to be made and the laundry and the worksheets for lessons next week. Deep down I just wanted to be lazy today.  If I let laziness have the day then I have to go out to the store to get the stuff that I know I can make and better yet have the ingredients to make. It is hard to get a lot done with the kids running in circles in this little house. Well, the kids and four dogs. That said, I did get the chocolate syrup made and maybe the bread. The fudge pops will have to wait... I left the molds out at the house out east. Gone are the days of enough molds to make 3 dozen frozen treats. Well this could be a very long week. I should probably remake the bread. I...

Trying for Sanity...

I may have done something stupid yesterday, after finally reaching someone at the school I stated I would be withdrawing the girls during this fun time. My reason was that I could not meet the districts requirement of doing the work online. With up to 6 kids here at one time, I can't. We have a "no tech" policy during the day in order to get them to do book work and actually get up and move for playtime. That and after attempting to do the work with the girls online after the other kiddos leave for the day it was too much for me.  I even tried early the next day before kiddos arrived. Still very much overwhelming. Plus the phone screens are too small and I have one laptop, neither Kindle allowed me to log in and frankly, I am neither tech savvy nor patient! It also doesn't hurt that I have been contemplating doing this anyway, I had planned to finish the school year but I think the virus may have done this for us anyway. My daughter thought she would get ahead of...

I am going to steal time!

If time can fly then I should be able to steal some right? Well even if it isn't I am going to try it. Having the kiddos home isn't too bad yet. Having several extras is a bit overwhelming at times and definitely takes away from any time I have to do my things. You know the "craft a month", quilting, baking or sewing.  The only thing I have been able to accomplish is not procrastinating as much. This morning I am going to take some time to do some of those things above, but also to get some life things taken care of. The challenge will be that most governmental things may not have the staff to help me. School is going to wait until the oldest little gets up and has breakfast. We are also going to start a "new to us" curriculum. The Genesis curriculum, more parent involvement, but that is okay I really dislike just handing out worksheets and stickers. I will still do that if there is boredom running rampant, but hopefully this won't be the case. It ...

Day two...

I am not sure why but it feels like a week already and it is only day two. Tomorrow is the "off" day. Meaning I will only have the girls for "school work". The charter school that they attend with a couple of the other kiddos coming over, has assigned computer work for the kids in order to "take attendance". We did not log in yesterday. today we attempted but did not have the correct information until this evening. It took about half an hour for me to figure out first grade math. In 49 minutes we did five problems. In almost two hours we did 1/2 of a lesson of fourth grade work. I'll stick to the curriculum we have and let the school know this isn't very user friendly. At least not for me anyway. I wonder what the kids without internet are doing for "attendance"? On top of all this, #10 erased information on my phone and I lost many IMPORTANT phone numbers!!! So unless I receive a text or phone call from those that were lost I may nev...

Here we go!... without those paper products...yes without that too!

Here we go with the first two weeks off for the "virus". Since Friday started our regular time-off for the weekend it didn't technically count. Today is the official first day off! Over the weekend my daughter and I went to several stores, you know what we were looking for. Of course there were no supplies to be had so it is official for me, we are going back to cloth. Cloth napkins, towels for all things kitchen, rags for garage use and yes cloth in THAT room too. It's definitely not something everyone can or wants to do, but in our case it is no big deal. I used cloth diapers on all the babies in my care and cloth wipes, aka washcloths. In fact, if our home hadn't burned we would still have plenty of "cloth". But starting over can be an adventure too. I get to go to the fabric store for pretty flannel prints!  Going back to cloth doesn't have to be expensive. Maybe you have old flannel sheets that have seen better days, or an old flannel shirt,...

First day... OMGOODNESS!!!!

Friday was our first of many days off. The kiddos got up raring to go on school work. Too bad I didn't get any ready the night before. In my defense, the plan was to get together with all the parents and figure out who could help with what and when.We did manage a page in the spelling book, a "build it" book on character traits,  a math page and a reading page. Oh and let's not forget coloring and fighting over the colors! All that is left was a reading comprehension worksheet for Friday and making a plan for next week. Now on to the five four-legged kids! They kept me on my toes as far as making sure I got up and down from my seat frequently to prevent blood clots. Their reason for this was to either get out of the door or get back in. With freezing temps and snow falling they did not stay out long. Today, Saturday, the weather still is not the greatest and in light of being the house where kids will gather next week, I am taking today to "declutter" t...

Life goes on...

This was a very busy week! I emptied the garage freezer in anticipation of moving the freezer to my daughter's home. I also went to my quilting group for the first time. Caught DH sleeping on the job! Watered the trees, flower shrubs, and bulb areas out east. Even the replanted peach tree got a drink. There isn't any sign of rhubarb or asparagus yet. Even the lilacs are still dormant. I hope the harshness of last summer didn't kill them. Pretty much I have shopped til I want to drop and still forgot something that we need. My plan to have a puppy sitter while I go out east and help DH failed. The puppy sitter didn't fail just the plan. It was much like the story of the rocks in the jar... If you put the little ones in first it will take up your room and there will not be room for the big things. Some of the little things were worth the effort, attending a memorial for a former resident, visiting others that live in the building where the memorial was held, getting ...

Seeds are sprouting!

It's Monday again! Happens every week only it is an hour earlier this week and "spectrum" struck again in the last 24 hours. Both kiddos fell asleep in the afternoon yesterday for a few hours. Wake them up is the usual response I get from family when I share it. But here's the thing for me. Sleep patterns are sometimes irregular with spectrum kids and that's why mine get melatonin every night. The pediatrician recommended it and it has worked. There are nights that they fall asleep without it and there are nights that in spite of having it they wake at odd hours and stay up.  So when they take a nap in the middle of an afternoon I really think they must need it. I know I need it! But when they do this I need to sieze the moment and get something done. It might be more prudent to take a nap with them however, I have found that if I lay down they wake up.  With the older kiddos I used to get up an hour or two earlier than them to start my day and get a grip on l...

Another "fragrance" and let's not get frustrated...

I have two dogs. I say "I" because, well I am the one who takes care of them. Yes, the family thinks they are theirs... but when the dogs want something it is me they come to. DH brought home a "present" well actually two of them. Cute big puppies that are afraid of their own shadows and are NOT paper trained or anywhere near that stage of life. For two days I have cleaned up the other "fragrance" of life... puppy poo.  The first night DH assured me he would get up with the new additions. He did, well he hollered at them to hush when they whined. Then he decided to lock them in the upstairs bathroom at some point during the night. I really never knew puppies could make so much poo! Finally, about noon I gave up and put them outside in the sunshine with a bucket of water and the kennel he purchased. That worked so well I decided that today they would spend the day outside again. Last night I corralled them in the kitchen with a baby play yard gate....

Tuesday's child...

Today was another shop. They have lost their appeal to a degree. It takes an awful long time to finish the paperwork. It also cuts into the time I have to help out at the property while the kiddos are at school. The plan will be to still do a few but only ones very close to home for now. This one was way up the mountainside. Not my favorite place to go. But today, other than being nerve wracking on the way there, was beautiful in so many ways. The snow was shimmering in the sunlight. The roads were mostly clear, but the hairpin turns with no guardrails were a lot on my psyche!   All of these shots are from the return trip down the mountain. On the way up I was clutching the steering wheel so tight on the way up I could not let go to take a picture. It was also the day to turn in our ballots so it was essential that I not fall off the mountain! Once I was at my destination I asked for directions on a "flatter" return trip home. It added 16 miles to ...

Stairway to Heav... Okay one to the basement would be good too....

Good Morning! Over the weekend we got to experience the "fragrance" of Spring. Not all that pleasant but it started me thinking that at least I should get all the plants started that I can. Now if you have been reading then you know I started seeds this past week. But there are more to plant and I need to decide on raised beds or just rows in the old field. Again, choices. I think the wheat and corn will do best straight in the ground and some of the other things in raised beds or containers. In other news, the basement has stairs! That is a relief. Now if you open the basement door there is at least a plan and not a bungee drop! This good progress. Now boxes from this house can get down into that house. There are a lot of boxes! Not too scary.... Today I plan to get some more seeds planted and maybe get the cold frame set up out east. I also need to start watering the peach trees and the asparagus and rhubarb. Easter will be here before long and fresh asparagus and...

A tale of two pups... or Spring must be on the way!

Yesterday we visited the new house. It was nice outside, not to hot but definitely not too cold if you were doing yard work and that was the plan. The girls packed some toys and books. I thought to bring their scooters, but they declined. Of course what visit would be complete without taking the family dogs? DH was already out there and I invited #6 to bring her two littles and join us for lunch. So all packed up, we headed east. The ride consisted of the two girls planning what they would play with, or more specifically, fighting with each other over not touching or sharing what they brought with anyone else or each other. (How do others deal with bickering? Or do they even experience this annoying trait?)  Luckily it is only a half hour ride or at the most 45 minutes. Once unloaded the girls ran inside and the dogs ran around the yard... or so I thought. Eventually, I needed to start on the "yard" work. Little Miss and I headed outside to start picking up construction t...