Making Bread...
Funny thing happened when I went to make the bread today... I got distracted and forgot a key ingredient. So looking at my dough it hit and I added the ingredient and kneaded it some more. Time and baking will tell if I wasted my efforts completely. Today was supposed to be the day that I caught up on all the mixes that needed to be made and the laundry and the worksheets for lessons next week.
Deep down I just wanted to be lazy today. If I let laziness have the day then I have to go out to the store to get the stuff that I know I can make and better yet have the ingredients to make. It is hard to get a lot done with the kids running in circles in this little house. Well, the kids and four dogs. That said, I did get the chocolate syrup made and maybe the bread. The fudge pops will have to wait... I left the molds out at the house out east. Gone are the days of enough molds to make 3 dozen frozen treats.
Well this could be a very long week. I should probably remake the bread. I haven't cut into it yet but it is pretty sad looking. That is not reason I say it will be a long week. When I went outside this morning I noticed that my table that was a gift from a 103-year old resident, had a bunch of spots where the ceramic tile had been peeled off. I just happened to look out my front window and I noticed the neighbor kids "picking" the broken tiles and throwing it into the road. I quickly scolded them and requested they pick up all the pieces they could find and put them back on the table.
Of course they blamed another kid for the bulk of it. The kid that was not currently picking at it. So alas I will have to take it back out east to the property to protect it. I know it is just a table and I cannot take it with me neither could its' former owner. But she had it since 1929 and I really thought it was beautiful. Not so much anymore but it has a lot of meaning for me. And it survived the fire last year. So I will close this post and put the table into my van for transport tomorrow.
Deep down I just wanted to be lazy today. If I let laziness have the day then I have to go out to the store to get the stuff that I know I can make and better yet have the ingredients to make. It is hard to get a lot done with the kids running in circles in this little house. Well, the kids and four dogs. That said, I did get the chocolate syrup made and maybe the bread. The fudge pops will have to wait... I left the molds out at the house out east. Gone are the days of enough molds to make 3 dozen frozen treats.
Well this could be a very long week. I should probably remake the bread. I haven't cut into it yet but it is pretty sad looking. That is not reason I say it will be a long week. When I went outside this morning I noticed that my table that was a gift from a 103-year old resident, had a bunch of spots where the ceramic tile had been peeled off. I just happened to look out my front window and I noticed the neighbor kids "picking" the broken tiles and throwing it into the road. I quickly scolded them and requested they pick up all the pieces they could find and put them back on the table.
Of course they blamed another kid for the bulk of it. The kid that was not currently picking at it. So alas I will have to take it back out east to the property to protect it. I know it is just a table and I cannot take it with me neither could its' former owner. But she had it since 1929 and I really thought it was beautiful. Not so much anymore but it has a lot of meaning for me. And it survived the fire last year. So I will close this post and put the table into my van for transport tomorrow.
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