Life goes on...

This was a very busy week! I emptied the garage freezer in anticipation of moving the freezer to my daughter's home. I also went to my quilting group for the first time. Caught DH sleeping on the job! Watered the trees, flower shrubs, and bulb areas out east. Even the replanted peach tree got a drink. There isn't any sign of rhubarb or asparagus yet. Even the lilacs are still dormant. I hope the harshness of last summer didn't kill them.

Pretty much I have shopped til I want to drop and still forgot something that we need. My plan to have a puppy sitter while I go out east and help DH failed. The puppy sitter didn't fail just the plan. It was much like the story of the rocks in the jar... If you put the little ones in first it will take up your room and there will not be room for the big things.

Some of the little things were worth the effort, attending a memorial for a former resident, visiting others that live in the building where the memorial was held, getting birth certificate stuff figured out, actually that fell into the "big rock" category and knowing it annoyed my former boss that I showed up to the memorial. That part was just a bonus! 

Tomorrow we are due a snow storm and the grocery markets were flooded with shoppers most of today. We really don't "need" anything unless there is some patience lingering on a shelf somewhere... The local school districts have closed. This means anywhere from two to five kiddos will be at the house each weekday for at least the next 3 weeks. 

This affects all the children in my immediate life. Therefore, I plan to have "homeschool" going on during this time. So as long as I keep calm and have a plan we should be okay. Sadly the children will not get credit for anything we do but hopefully it will prevent them from falling behind too far. And it will answer the 7 year-olds wishes! She has begged to be home-schooled again. It is the little things that count in all this.

Hopefully I will still feel this way in 3 weeks!  It really does lessen the morning stress for me. We might actually get back into the swing of life in a good way. This afternoon they cancelled all after school activities and after school care so I brought an extra home with me. I sent him to the back yard with a toy car, a bucket of water and a spoon. I didn't see him again until his mom arrived and that was so he could tell her he didn't want to leave yet.

Was there a mess? Yes, but there were no electronics involved and no one got hurt. Pictures to be posted later... 


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