First day... OMGOODNESS!!!!

Friday was our first of many days off. The kiddos got up raring to go on school work. Too bad I didn't get any ready the night before. In my defense, the plan was to get together with all the parents and figure out who could help with what and when.We did manage a page in the spelling book, a "build it" book on character traits,  a math page and a reading page. Oh and let's not forget coloring and fighting over the colors!

All that is left was a reading comprehension worksheet for Friday and making a plan for next week. Now on to the five four-legged kids! They kept me on my toes as far as making sure I got up and down from my seat frequently to prevent blood clots. Their reason for this was to either get out of the door or get back in. With freezing temps and snow falling they did not stay out long.

Today, Saturday, the weather still is not the greatest and in light of being the house where kids will gather next week, I am taking today to "declutter" the main floor. The plan will be for lessons up in the living/dining rooms and play will be outside or in the lower level... sorry DH the kids are invading. 

If I get time today I will go out to the new house and look for curriculum books that I sent out there. I did that in anticipation of not needing them until summer break. Most of the games are out east also. We do have Scrabble and Upwords and Jenga here. Also cards and dice to make up games so we should be fine in that area.

There will be 1 ninth grader, 2 seventh graders, 3 first graders, 1 fourth grade (multilevel), 1 third grade and one kindergarten. By multilevel I mean that she is on a different grade level for each subject and actually fourth is not one of them. But because of her age and IEP requirements in public school she will remain with her own numerical age group.

The older kids can actually help with the younger ones and that will count for them too. The district has given direction to go to MobyMax, a website, and log in there to receive credit for "attending" school. Six of these kids coming over do not have access to the internet or a computer. So is it their fault they are not in school? I have only one computer, so do they all just take turns?

I think for actual copywork we may have to use a combination of surfaces. The dining table and t.v. tables might be all we can come up with. Looking around the area that we plan to use I found a spot to put a real desk. We actually have two desks and a sewing table that could be a desk but I have to have my sewing machine somewhere so... Hmm I just remembered I have a very large folding table at my daughter's home I could go get that. Problem solved!

As I look around the rooms and see that ALL the flat surfaces are clear I really feel I deserve a little break from this adventure! So I will close for today and get back with pictures and more craziness later!


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