Another "fragrance" and let's not get frustrated...

I have two dogs. I say "I" because, well I am the one who takes care of them. Yes, the family thinks they are theirs... but when the dogs want something it is me they come to. DH brought home a "present" well actually two of them. Cute big puppies that are afraid of their own shadows and are NOT paper trained or anywhere near that stage of life. For two days I have cleaned up the other "fragrance" of life... puppy poo. 

The first night DH assured me he would get up with the new additions. He did, well he hollered at them to hush when they whined. Then he decided to lock them in the upstairs bathroom at some point during the night. I really never knew puppies could make so much poo! Finally, about noon I gave up and put them outside in the sunshine with a bucket of water and the kennel he purchased.

That worked so well I decided that today they would spend the day outside again. Last night I corralled them in the kitchen with a baby play yard gate. I also put harnesses on each of them to make them a little easier to snag as they run by. The littler of the two escaped the area of confinement and managed to poo in four places in the living room before 0600. I opened the back door and put her on the deck. The other dog ran straight for the outdoors when released from the confinement space. The littler one chewed her harness off.

So even with my new strategy of put them outside all day I have had to clean up poo at least 3 times from the carpet. On the up side of this that is a lot less than the first 24 hours!!  Also, if the sliding door is left open they go out and do their business on the deck 50% of the time. Needless to say I haven't done any crocheting this week.

Both puppies managed to master climbing the deck stairs by Friday. This made me happy because they are not lap dogs and not easy to carry up and down the steps. My granddaughter came over today to help with the puppy and kid sitting. It was nice to have capable hands to watch over the kiddos two and four-legged while I ran to Calhan. The two older dogs came along for the ride. 

It turned out to be a good thing they did as Big R was having a vaccination clinic. Both of them were due for shots so we took advantage of the lack of company and stopped in. Both dogs were very good for their shots and they seemed to be much less anxious than when we go to the vet clinic.

Of course who could be anxious with the smell of fresh baby chicks in the air! Big R has the spring chicks in!!!! I can hardly wait for the ducks and turkeys to arrive! I wish I had snapped a few pics of the cute little fuzz butts!


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