A tale of two pups... or Spring must be on the way!
Yesterday we visited the new house. It was nice outside, not to hot but definitely not too cold if you were doing yard work and that was the plan. The girls packed some toys and books. I thought to bring their scooters, but they declined. Of course what visit would be complete without taking the family dogs?
DH was already out there and I invited #6 to bring her two littles and join us for lunch. So all packed up, we headed east. The ride consisted of the two girls planning what they would play with, or more specifically, fighting with each other over not touching or sharing what they brought with anyone else or each other. (How do others deal with bickering? Or do they even experience this annoying trait?)
Luckily it is only a half hour ride or at the most 45 minutes. Once unloaded the girls ran inside and the dogs ran around the yard... or so I thought. Eventually, I needed to start on the "yard" work. Little Miss and I headed outside to start picking up construction trash, as we looked North down the old driveway we saw the two dogs across the road and in the neighbor's property. Little Miss started crying her eyes out. I mean just sobbing.
Here is little miss hamming it up in a selfie! This was actually after all the tears and the dogs were back in the house.
Let me insert another little story here. It seems that we have a neighbor down the way that has a silent feud with DH. Both are retired veterans. But one does everything on his property by hiring out labor, the other mostly insists on doing it himself. Can you guess who's who here?
The reason behind the tears is that there is no leash law out east. But if someone complains about your animal then the Sheriff will come visit. This man was mean enough to call. And I had told her about him. My bad.
This man in the past, complained and said one of our previous dogs had bitten his wife and scared her half to death. (She has since passed away, so maybe?) But the dog in question a) never left the yard, b) was on a chain, albeit right next to the end of the driveway and c) was a friendly dog with no history of biting.
The Sheriff determined that there was no bite. But like I said she was afraid of the dog. He was a Bullmastiff, a rather large dog. Hercules was his name and he looked like something out of the movie Omen. So, while I do get the fear thing, one shouldn't make up lies just get the Sheriff out. We kept him on the chain while out of the house because he was a bit scary and he wasn't our dog.
Eventually, Hercules and I took a road trip to Michigan. My friend had passed away there and we were going to the funeral so Hercules rode along so he could get home his family.
Mister hire out calls the county weekly, as he is not satisfied with progress of the other Mister. When the house first burned down, this neighbor, who also works for the county, called to complain about the rubble. We received a notice that there was excessive trash on our property. Well, duh! We were not even allowed to start clean-up yet for insurance reasons.
The whole "silent feud" has been going on for close to 30 years. You would think one of them would get tired. I am not complaining and I'll tell you why. For 20+ years I have been "asking, begging, pleading" however you want to say it, for a privacy fence around the whole property. Mister hire out called the county again last week... I am getting a fence!!!!
It cannot be installed fast enough! DH accepted two more puppies and now 4 dogs will need that fence! That was only part of the tail... (pun intended)
Today is a new day. I feel a bit like the rooster in Peter Rabbit. But, back to the story... After not being allowed out to run at the property yesterday without a leash, the dogs looked a little sad. When we arrived home they headed straight for the back yard. It is safe to say they didn't come inside until we were getting ready to leave again and even then Tommy hesitated about going for another ride.
Bright and early this morning #10 woke up and I quote "I wish we had a rooster". Roosters are not always nice, mostly they are mean and territorial and you cannot have them in the city limits. So a rooster will wait until we are back home on the plains. Sorry, side-tracked again.
This morning I let the two dogs out at 0600 like normal. Within a few minutes they were back inside acting crazy! Rubbing all over the carpet, looking really crazed. Then the smell registered in my brain... SKUNK! My two little pups had been sprayed! OMGOODNESS! Do they stink! City skunks smell different! But still skunky.
The rancid smell even caused DH to get out of bed concerned about where that smell was coming from. We have church this morning and I don't know whether to bathe them before I go and risk joining them in the odor or waiting until I return home. They have already smeared the carpet with the fragrance and I wiped them down with a too small sweatshirt of the kiddo's. The house smells almost as bad as the yard but it is fading... or I am getting de-sensitized.
Ugh! Choices! In hindsight, I think this must mean spring is on the way sooner rather than later!!!!!
One sad little pup... ugh they smell bad.
DH was already out there and I invited #6 to bring her two littles and join us for lunch. So all packed up, we headed east. The ride consisted of the two girls planning what they would play with, or more specifically, fighting with each other over not touching or sharing what they brought with anyone else or each other. (How do others deal with bickering? Or do they even experience this annoying trait?)
Luckily it is only a half hour ride or at the most 45 minutes. Once unloaded the girls ran inside and the dogs ran around the yard... or so I thought. Eventually, I needed to start on the "yard" work. Little Miss and I headed outside to start picking up construction trash, as we looked North down the old driveway we saw the two dogs across the road and in the neighbor's property. Little Miss started crying her eyes out. I mean just sobbing.
Here is little miss hamming it up in a selfie! This was actually after all the tears and the dogs were back in the house.
Let me insert another little story here. It seems that we have a neighbor down the way that has a silent feud with DH. Both are retired veterans. But one does everything on his property by hiring out labor, the other mostly insists on doing it himself. Can you guess who's who here?
The reason behind the tears is that there is no leash law out east. But if someone complains about your animal then the Sheriff will come visit. This man was mean enough to call. And I had told her about him. My bad.
This man in the past, complained and said one of our previous dogs had bitten his wife and scared her half to death. (She has since passed away, so maybe?) But the dog in question a) never left the yard, b) was on a chain, albeit right next to the end of the driveway and c) was a friendly dog with no history of biting.
The Sheriff determined that there was no bite. But like I said she was afraid of the dog. He was a Bullmastiff, a rather large dog. Hercules was his name and he looked like something out of the movie Omen. So, while I do get the fear thing, one shouldn't make up lies just get the Sheriff out. We kept him on the chain while out of the house because he was a bit scary and he wasn't our dog.
Eventually, Hercules and I took a road trip to Michigan. My friend had passed away there and we were going to the funeral so Hercules rode along so he could get home his family.
Mister hire out calls the county weekly, as he is not satisfied with progress of the other Mister. When the house first burned down, this neighbor, who also works for the county, called to complain about the rubble. We received a notice that there was excessive trash on our property. Well, duh! We were not even allowed to start clean-up yet for insurance reasons.
The whole "silent feud" has been going on for close to 30 years. You would think one of them would get tired. I am not complaining and I'll tell you why. For 20+ years I have been "asking, begging, pleading" however you want to say it, for a privacy fence around the whole property. Mister hire out called the county again last week... I am getting a fence!!!!
It cannot be installed fast enough! DH accepted two more puppies and now 4 dogs will need that fence! That was only part of the tail... (pun intended)
Today is a new day. I feel a bit like the rooster in Peter Rabbit. But, back to the story... After not being allowed out to run at the property yesterday without a leash, the dogs looked a little sad. When we arrived home they headed straight for the back yard. It is safe to say they didn't come inside until we were getting ready to leave again and even then Tommy hesitated about going for another ride.
Bright and early this morning #10 woke up and I quote "I wish we had a rooster". Roosters are not always nice, mostly they are mean and territorial and you cannot have them in the city limits. So a rooster will wait until we are back home on the plains. Sorry, side-tracked again.
This morning I let the two dogs out at 0600 like normal. Within a few minutes they were back inside acting crazy! Rubbing all over the carpet, looking really crazed. Then the smell registered in my brain... SKUNK! My two little pups had been sprayed! OMGOODNESS! Do they stink! City skunks smell different! But still skunky.
The rancid smell even caused DH to get out of bed concerned about where that smell was coming from. We have church this morning and I don't know whether to bathe them before I go and risk joining them in the odor or waiting until I return home. They have already smeared the carpet with the fragrance and I wiped them down with a too small sweatshirt of the kiddo's. The house smells almost as bad as the yard but it is fading... or I am getting de-sensitized.
Ugh! Choices! In hindsight, I think this must mean spring is on the way sooner rather than later!!!!!
One sad little pup... ugh they smell bad.
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