Seeds are sprouting!

It's Monday again! Happens every week only it is an hour earlier this week and "spectrum" struck again in the last 24 hours. Both kiddos fell asleep in the afternoon yesterday for a few hours. Wake them up is the usual response I get from family when I share it. But here's the thing for me. Sleep patterns are sometimes irregular with spectrum kids and that's why mine get melatonin every night. The pediatrician recommended it and it has worked. There are nights that they fall asleep without it and there are nights that in spite of having it they wake at odd hours and stay up. 

So when they take a nap in the middle of an afternoon I really think they must need it. I know I need it! But when they do this I need to sieze the moment and get something done. It might be more prudent to take a nap with them however, I have found that if I lay down they wake up. 

With the older kiddos I used to get up an hour or two earlier than them to start my day and get a grip on life. It doesn't work with these two. Within 10 minutes of me getting up, without fail, the youngest one gets up. This can make it

hard on the teachers I am sure. Just a part of life that happens and they get to share it with me. (insert a big smiley face here). Oh by the way, the seeds doing the best are the ones in the recycled containers.


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