Stairway to Heav... Okay one to the basement would be good too....

Good Morning! Over the weekend we got to experience the "fragrance" of Spring. Not all that pleasant but it started me thinking that at least I should get all the plants started that I can. Now if you have been reading then you know I started seeds this past week. But there are more to plant and I need to decide on raised beds or just rows in the old field. Again, choices. I think the wheat and corn will do best straight in the ground and some of the other things in raised beds or containers.

In other news, the basement has stairs! That is a relief. Now if you open the basement door there is at least a plan and not a bungee drop! This good progress. Now boxes from this house can get down into that house. There are a lot of boxes!

Not too scary....

Today I plan to get some more seeds planted and maybe get the cold frame set up out east. I also need to start watering the peach trees and the asparagus and rhubarb. Easter will be here before long and fresh asparagus and rhubarb would be nice. One peach tree was damaged after the fire but while out visiting this past weekend I saw that it had been "put back into the ground". So maybe it will survive.

One apple tree is still there but you need two to get apples so I will put that on my wish list. I think I can put the sweet potatoes and regular potatoes into the cold frames and be good for now. DH has stated the cold frames cannot go against the new house. Why? you ask. Me too. But it seems he intends to move more dirt up against the house. And if history is any teacher, I do well to listen. (story for another post)

My greenhouse did not do well over this past year. The roof has fallen into a state of disrepair that may require tearing the building down and starting over. For years I have imagined a sunken greenhouse with tire support walls and planters and perhaps with accomodations for my chickens. Probably doesn't sound glamourous but in my mind it is perfect!

Yesterday, after trying to get the "fragrance" of spring off of my dog, I decided to plant peanuts. We also planted a couple of apple seeds from Little Miss's apple. We will keep you posted on growth and germination. We also planted Georgia Rattlesnake watermelon, cucumbers, and Beef master tomatoes.  Of course if any of it grows we will snap photos.

This year we are "upcycling" our old yogurt containers to plant in as well as buying some new containers. Other items that we are using include rotisserie chicken tray/domes, cupcake tray with dome, and a croissant box (plastic). While these will eventually make it to the landfill they are going to be detoured for a bit.

This post was started on Monday and of course Sunday night we had a lovely snow storm roll through. This left us with a school delay. Oh and hot fudge brownie snow ice cream sundaes for breakfast! I mean you really have to take advantage of that snow when you get it!

These pictures were all taken at night and it was as if it were daylight all night. The next morning we enjoyed the snow ice cream on top of homemade brownies topped with homemade hot fudge sauce and whipped cream! There are eggs in the brownies and the snow ice cream so that must mean it is healthy!

Well goodnight world!


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