
Showing posts from August, 2022

Pediatric visits one day, geriatric the next

 The first long trip in the motorhome was fun and enlightening. At the time it was occurring I was a nervous wreck. We were about 15 miles from home when the first challenge happened. Oh well, today is another day and the beginning of week 35 in our countdown to the next year. This week was filled with appointments! It was a week where, due to pressure from a supervisor I signed up for shifts blindly. Without a calendar in hand that is. Only one of the 5 shifts did not have a conflicting appointment, until I asked for refills on a child's medication. Then an opening in the pediatrician's schedule occurred on the one day I really had available to work. Luckily that day was a 4-hour shift, and the appointment was 3 hours after I should have been off. It didn't work that way. I ended up having to leave the shift without charting and then I was cancelled for my next shift. Friday was a trip to the VA for an evaluation. Did we have everything we needed? No, in our defense what w...

Dogs and chickens and ducks... oh my!

 Whatever happened last week cannot possibly overshadow the weekend events. To start the week on the "right" foot, both kiddos are sick with "symptoms". We did not arrive home until after midnight, the traffic through Denver was horrible even as late as it was. Not that there was an overabundance of traffic, but the majority of those out felt the need to be first in line. We had taken the stance that we would drive at night on trips. That stance was tested two days in a row. To be sure we did not leave when planned and then there were road closures that were not on the to do list. This is what you do while riding in the MH Where we stayed the first night being off track First Stop at a gas station Food was not important... beanie boo's were Eating pizza in the MH table Other SNAFUs happened but it is a learning experience. Let me put it this way. I am VERY glad it was only supposed to be a 6-hour trip. It took us longer. We arrived at Mount Rushmore 24 hours aft...

One out of five? Not ideal but work goes on

 When I finally had time to gather all the information on everyone's appointments it was obvious that I should never sign up for shifts without a planner in hand. I signed up for 5 shifts without the advice of a planner or calendar in hand. Much to my disappointment every shift except one had a conflict. I now have the guilty pleasure of telling the one who "pushed me" to pick up shifts, that we must change a few. I say this because the person who schedules things played on my sympathies for their nursing shortage. It turns out now that they are going to add Q maps to the schedule. They say they will always have a nurse on duty, but I wonder about that. Every place I have worked has eliminated nurses 24/7 and gone with the other option and a nurse available if needed. Time will tell. Onward, I did get a couple of other tasks put on the to do list. Goal setting and meal planning are my weak areas, and they did not make the list of tasks.  Last night's egg haul  I have ...

Oh boy! Where were we?

 Rain again and no letup in the tasks to be done. I went into work, and I was expecting an in-service on dementia not one on company value and employment happiness. It was interesting, I am glad I was paid for sitting through it. It was called "Happiness 101". The culture there is different from my other two jobs. I won't disclose in what way. The DRS is a bit pushy and hyper. She wasn't satisfied that I couldn't commit to the schedule she envisioned. Even after I explained that PRN means I check with you, or you check with me if you have needs either on a weekly basis or a daily basis. Her idea was for me to give her my availability and she would just fill me in where she needed me. I can see how that would benefit her, but my life is too unpredictable for that. One of my favorite weeds  We settled on a few days next week and hopefully that will work for both of us. At least until I find my planner. I left work and ran over to the other job to sign paperwork for ...

First full week of school...

 Good morning! Today starts the first full week of school for the kiddos. I am still not sure if I am excited or not. Tomorrow, I go into work from 10-4, so I will drive the kiddos to school to avoid extra trips into town. Today is going to be a mad dash to catch laundry up and prep onions for the freezer. I originally had hoped to clean out the pantry. Not sure that is going to be the order of the day. Last evening when the clouds rolled in, I was trying to get things out to the dumpster for today's pick up. As I walked toward the dumpster this view of the evening sky caught my eye.  This morning has more things to take to the dumpster and lots of calls to make. It will be busy, and I hope productive. Not so much if I just keep blogging though... so see you later in the day! Yesterday was a blur by the end of the day. Storms rolled through in the late afternoon and the yardbirds were wet by nightfall. Today I work for a few hours so this post might not go up until Wednesday t...

College or bust... or maybe dorm room life and crying

 It is Sunday. Why I thought trying to sleep in would work is not just beyond me, it is downright crazy thoughts! Last night was not a good one for sleep. It may have been because I did not put the dogs into their kennels, and I also left the north door on the chicken house open. Or just the stress of the day catching up to me. When 0530 hit the dogs beckoned for me to get up. The doggie door was open for them to run out of, so why did I need to be up? They are needy that's why! I got up, they all started barking like crazy just as they do when I am releasing them from the kennels. After they ran out the doggie door, I closed it just like I would normally do. After a few minutes i let them in and laid down on the couch. The day progressed without me, sort of anyway, the kids asked for chocolate milk and food every 5-10 minutes. I responded with just give me a few more minutes to sleep in. At 0700 my daughter called from the giant tiny home she bought. She wanted to know if I wanted...

I told you, we have discussed this since move-in day...

 If I have heard those words once I have heard them a hundred times and it still doesn't mean it actually happened. Sitting by the pool this evening, DH started discussing a door at the south end of the house. This is not new, well it sort of isn't new, we have discussed on a number of occasions that there should be a door at the south end. I do not bring up that the floor plan originally chosen had that. I want to, but I don't. Still the conversation took a turn for an argument. Maybe because I am tired, maybe because dementia sometimes wants to argue and maybe just because what he says was discussed never was. Today I went to visit with SIL, and we put together some furniture and visited and hung more stuff on the wall. I asked if she wanted to call some family or some friends. She declined she said she was still trying to settle in and get adjusted. When I first arrived, she was super happy not in a clingy way, just greeted me and asked if I had heard the news. I said no...

Results of testing are in...

Be careful what you ask for! When I went to get the results of the testing for the youngest kiddo, I thought I was prepared. To a degree, I was. Most of what was revealed just reinforced what we suspected. There were some things I did not expect. Severe vision problems, dysgraphia, severe math learning problems along with the ADHD and impulsivity issues. Now it is time to make more appointments with other specialists. At first it seemed surreal, most all of the daily challenges were covered, relief washed over me. The doctor couldn't print the report for me she stated it would arrive as an email later in the day. Trying to wrap my head around all of the information began to overwhelm me. Did she say what I thought she said? Is this child really facing those huge sounding hurdles? I checked my email more yesterday than I have all month. No report arrived. Not even this morning. Trying to be patient is not easy.  As the day progressed my emotions began to bubble. How could any parent...

Day 2 or laundry at 3 am

Yes, I awoke to do laundry at 0315. No, it is not the way I want to do things. Yesterday was a bit hectic. I did get the laundry washed, it was the drying that I had to get up and do. Once I make noise in the morning the dogs start their alarm clock barking, and they are lacking a snooze button. Giving in at 0430 was the best I could manage for today. They are currently outside, in the dark, wanting back in. Will they learn a lesson and stop barking at the squeak of the bed frame? Probably not. It is okay though as I have lunches to pack and a to do list to get ready. I remember when the kids were really little. I would get up this early just to have some time to organize, well let's be real here, try to make a to do list for the day. Organization of a household is not my strong suit. Organizing a med pass to be efficient and timely? That I can do! I like the kitchen to be tidy before I go to bed. It does not always happen. Sometimes when reading blogs, I look at the pictures of th...

The big day is here!

 It is the first day of school! I feel excited but not as excited as the kids are. Everyone has been awake sine 0330. It will be a long day for sure! The backpacks are stuffed to the edges with all the "supplies". Plus, each kid has two extra bags of "stuff" to carry to the wagon for their age group. I have yet to find my planner. I did start a new one; trying to start a new one without all the dates from the old one is not easy. We can leave in 15 minutes, and they have been bugging to go for 30 minutes. I did promise SIL I would come visit after I drop the kiddos. Of course, that includes after I take the oldest for her orthodontist appointment at 0930. That will put me to her about 1030. The days are going to get busy here soon. The youngest on her first day back this year The oldest and her same size peer.  Well, the morning did not go quite as planned. After the drop-off and pictures and all the fanfare that goes with the first day each school year, the car wou...