2 days counting today...

If a red sky in the morning is a sailor's warning does this sky mean I need those boats in my yard? I hope not. It is the last day before school starts and I get an email stating there isn't a SPED teacher on board yet. It also asks if I want to drop my child's IEP. Go without the "legal" title with an assurance that they will still teach according to the plan but without an assigned teacher. Hmm...

Last evening was a circus! The Traveling Trio (TTT) insisted on going further than Chicago. Lucky for the passengers the driver gave in and decided to stop in Joliet. While booking a hotel for them, the traveling kids arrived with their not so tiny home in tow. This set the couch eating hounds into a frenzy of barking which caused the agent that I was dealing with to feel I didn't hear him. Add to that TTT were on speaker phone and the youngest of that group was telling the older two, in a very irritated tone, that she would not let them look at her phone while she used it to navigate to the hotel that was being booked while they argued. So glad that they should be home today.

I still say I should look into having a YouTube channel, although at this point I am sure all my best material is in the rearview mirror. On with the day! After changing the ink in one of my printers I will get busy looking at what is left on the supply list to buy. Just a side thought, why does a fourth grader need 5 dozen pencils on the first day of school? Sharpened no less!

To end the evening on the best note possible... DH caught a bat flying in our bedroom. UGH! It was a huge one on top of all that. It was safely released into the night and this morning's activities will include checking the attic for more of these flying varmints.


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