Day 2 or laundry at 3 am

Yes, I awoke to do laundry at 0315. No, it is not the way I want to do things. Yesterday was a bit hectic. I did get the laundry washed, it was the drying that I had to get up and do. Once I make noise in the morning the dogs start their alarm clock barking, and they are lacking a snooze button. Giving in at 0430 was the best I could manage for today. They are currently outside, in the dark, wanting back in. Will they learn a lesson and stop barking at the squeak of the bed frame? Probably not.

It is okay though as I have lunches to pack and a to do list to get ready. I remember when the kids were really little. I would get up this early just to have some time to organize, well let's be real here, try to make a to do list for the day. Organization of a household is not my strong suit. Organizing a med pass to be efficient and timely? That I can do! I like the kitchen to be tidy before I go to bed. It does not always happen. Sometimes when reading blogs, I look at the pictures of the perfectly organized homes and I hang my head low. It is then I have to remember to give myself some grace, I cannot compare my world to a blog post of someone I have never even met.

Are some of those people going through the same season of life as me? Maybe, but the reality is, probably not. Having taken these last few years off from full-time working (outside the home) I still have not mastered the organization stuff. We all know working inside the home for the family creates a unique challenge that a 9 to 5 job does not. Like a retired husband that loves to tinker! Or bring home "pets" that eat couches, and do not train themselves.

To my surprise last evening something that I have been waiting for DH to do, got done! Okay, that doesn't sound quite right, but here goes the rest of that story. The "cottage" finally got moved out of the driveway. Yes, it is in its' parking spot! I do still hold on to the "cottage" idea that came first but I know that reality is different. Before I knew what was happening, he had it hitched to his truck and had backed it up almost all the way into place. Controlling you say? I'll admit to that but walk a mile in my shoes before you judge. DH does things just because the world says, "don't do it" or "it can't be done". He means no harm. That is not the same as "do no harm".

The trick was to avoid the cement retaining wall

He thinks that little red truck can do anything!

It can, because he makes it! 

He also got the box truck moved and the hot tub put into its' space, the yard was mowed, at least partially. the area for the solar stuff is cleaned up. Cars are also being moved to the back of the property, finally! There is still much to do but progress was evident when I arrived home.

Our home has been a revolving door of company for about 2 years now. It is so awesome how friends and family do not mind helping and having them visit is while we get settled back in at the old property helps to make it feel more like home. The extra hands are especially nice for the kids to have someone to share their day with. These last two days have seen a flurry of activity and not much clean-up. However, by Friday things will settle down a bit... just in time for the weekend to stir things up!

The horizon is starting the brighten up with the morning sun. Soon the kids will be up and raring to go! Clothes are laid out, the youngest got in the shower last night, I washed her hair, so I know that much got clean. I cannot speak for anything else. I think they want to get doughnuts this morning on our way to classes. I guess it is time to get ready for the day. Hope you have a great day!


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