4 days until school starts again...

 I am not sure if I should cry or celebrate. One court date changed the trajectory of our whole summer. Not to say we can't try again next summer or even once all of the court business is settled. For now, there is no end in sight. Our trips must be short and that limits where we can go by vehicle. Flying we can go a lot further. Still must be in short bursts.

The sunset this evening reminded me that the promise of the future is bright, and we have only begun to see the fun in life. Our traveling trio made it to West Rapid City, South Dakota and tomorrow they will take in the sights of the area. The Crazy Horse monument is on their to do list and Mount Rushmore also. Depending on how long those two things take and whether they hit Wall Drug and the Badlands will determine how close they get to their, hopefully last night in a motel on their way back to Michigan.

Work on getting ready for the solar array continues in the yard and the shipyard is being moved to the eastern front along with many other "toys" in the yard. In fact, yesterday the same sunset may have been slightly obscured by one or two boats. Not today!

It is time to go get the "tween" from youth group. I will close this for the evening and see what the morning brings.

Well, the morning brought a mugginess to the air that is more common of the Midwest than us. It was a nice change from coldness, but one day of it was enough! I have not heard from the traveling trio this morning, no news is usually good news, with this group it might not be. I expect they will be home by Tuesday this week.

Tomorrow is trash day. I plan to spend at least 2 hours filling the dumpster. There is still quite a bit of refuse from the house burning down that was pushed more to the outer edges of the property. It is also the auction day at the sale barn. I am planning to take some ducks to the auction. Actually, I plan to send DH with some ducks to the auction. I will be getting the kiddos ready for school. We have most of their lists completed. Tuesday is their last "popsicles on the playground" event before the first day. Wednesday, they start back, and Thursday I get the results of all the testing that the youngest went through.

The ducklings have grown by leaps and bounds and the mama duck is letting her sister join them in the brooding pen. I am happy for that as it keeps the noise down, her sister duck would squawk all. day. long. when they were apart. Now she just minds the ducklings with their mama. That is her on the other side of the fencing before she gained her duckling sitting privileges.

Time to get ready for church and make breakfast for the kiddos and DH. Have a great day!


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