I told you, we have discussed this since move-in day...

 If I have heard those words once I have heard them a hundred times and it still doesn't mean it actually happened. Sitting by the pool this evening, DH started discussing a door at the south end of the house. This is not new, well it sort of isn't new, we have discussed on a number of occasions that there should be a door at the south end. I do not bring up that the floor plan originally chosen had that. I want to, but I don't. Still the conversation took a turn for an argument. Maybe because I am tired, maybe because dementia sometimes wants to argue and maybe just because what he says was discussed never was.

Today I went to visit with SIL, and we put together some furniture and visited and hung more stuff on the wall. I asked if she wanted to call some family or some friends. She declined she said she was still trying to settle in and get adjusted. When I first arrived, she was super happy not in a clingy way, just greeted me and asked if I had heard the news. I said no I had not what is the news?! She said gleefully, I am going to get to come home with you soon, the cottage is almost done! I responded with that is awesome! I am so glad to hear that! Then we started with the iced coffees that I had brought and the pills that were due. 

She sat in her recliner while I went to the car to get the items to put together.  I began with the whiteboard and then a hanging shelf thing for the closet. She was excited at both items.

The white board

The hanging shelf thing in the closet
Cube organizer, not as many cubbies as I wanted but it works

Sometimes I think she just likes to get something a little new. Maybe it was just the idea that she was helping me assemble stuff. The cube organizer thing was a bit challenging and did not cooperate at first. Of course, once I really read the directions it went together without a hitch. We admired our work and about the time I was going to have to leave anyway, they came to get her for dinner. We took our time and meandered to the dining area and hugged our goodbyes. I thought for sure she was going to cry but she didn't.

I headed home and that's about the time the fussing started. First it was a door in the bathroom, then it was the shock for the pool, then I hid his radio in the closet (no but I was accused of doing that) He took everything out of the closet. No radio there, but most likely I snuck in while he wasn't looking and moved it to another location. Yesterday it was his level and the drills, cordless of course, because you find one with a cord. I texted my daughter and asked if she wanted to go for a walk. We did three laps around the property and then it was time for me to corral the baby ducks and get the animals sorted into the correct pens.

Well, it is bedtime and I know this is the second post for the day, but that's life! Good night blog world.


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