The big day is here!

 It is the first day of school! I feel excited but not as excited as the kids are. Everyone has been awake sine 0330. It will be a long day for sure! The backpacks are stuffed to the edges with all the "supplies". Plus, each kid has two extra bags of "stuff" to carry to the wagon for their age group. I have yet to find my planner. I did start a new one; trying to start a new one without all the dates from the old one is not easy. We can leave in 15 minutes, and they have been bugging to go for 30 minutes.

I did promise SIL I would come visit after I drop the kiddos. Of course, that includes after I take the oldest for her orthodontist appointment at 0930. That will put me to her about 1030. The days are going to get busy here soon.

The youngest on her first day back this year

The oldest and her same size peer. 

Well, the morning did not go quite as planned. After the drop-off and pictures and all the fanfare that goes with the first day each school year, the car would not start. No A/C and it won't start. Not a good day to have this happen. My daughter and son-in-law were there, and they assisted and offered the use of one of their cars for the day. DH came and brought me one of our other cars and the day went on. I went back into the school to pick up the oldest for an orthodontist appointment, that is when I discovered some of the changes. You must have an ID to enter the building. I do somewhere. I did ask the principal an important question, I mean if I show up to get a kiddo and have no ID will they keep the child for the year? She replied yes. But they won't feed them. No problem! They can forage!!

The school has quadrupled in the number of kids that attend. In fact, the kids from our temporary home on Leoti, are attending this year. Growth brings change though and I am not necessarily a fan of change. My original plan to go and get SIL into bed tonight will have to be changed. I am exhausted and there are things to get ready for tomorrow's appointment and the kiddos to be on time for school.

Over all the kids had a great day and look forward to going tomorrow. I will go to see SIL again tomorrow and hopefully hang some more pictures and maybe even find her another dresser. She wants to go clothes shopping UGH! I loathe clothes shopping. Furniture is easier, you like it, or you don't, simple.
This wall is big, but the door takes up half

This wall has the head of the bed, no pic's hanging over the bed

Same for this wall not much room

I ran out of hooks and there is one more pic to hang. Perhaps I can finish tomorrow, I am too tired to go back out tonight. There is also a lot to do around here.

Well, I better close for now and get started. Have a great night!


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