Summer fun comes to an end

 Just like ants that scurry as they work the Summer has flown by for us. We are expecting two more sets of travelers to arrive in the month of August. One is an army buddy and the other is the older son and April. They went home to take care of things at their home and decide if they should head west at some point. While they were working on that decision, they were blessed with two more grandchildren. Not twins but they did get a boy and a girl, that brings their running total to 6 under 6.

ants scurrying about in the driveway

This kid arrived this past week 

My granddaughter arrived back from North Carolina this week. Her parents will be heading back this way hopefully arriving by Monday. The traveling trio found their way out of the forest and made it to their hotel around 10pm last night. 

Today has adventures of its' own for them and for us. We are still contemplating a trip to Mount Rushmore, just a quick overnight adventure if this had been me and my kids we would have already arrived. These two kiddos were not able to do an overnight at the reservoir last weekend. I do feel with all the things that have gone on this summer a quick trip might be memorable. 

Now on to the daytime chores and off to visit SIL. The duckies await their escape!


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