3 days and still I wonder... celebrate or cry

 There is just one thing left to do before the school year starts... everything! The house is a mess after the guests left. No, they did not leave it that way. It is just the aftermath of having to do all the other things that didn't get done while company was here. On Sunday the kids and I went to the basement to look for school supplies that I know are hidden down there. Some we found but not all. that leaves a few things on our list to be absolutely ready. There are clothes that are needed also but kids don't care much about that until the first day.

I have taken back the chicken and duck duty. DH is having difficulty with this task. The plan was to take some of the ducks to auction today, we changed that to next week, but this morning it seems like it might be better to do this today. The sooner date will give people a chance to adjust to them before winter sets in. Or stew starts cooking? My plan is to not DH for replacement hens when the time comes. He at least picked hardy chicks, of all he bought most are still with us.

The morning fog was pretty. It reminds me that Fall is on the way. Today I have a lot of things to check off the to do list. My heart isn't in it. The older granddaughter has a list of things to this week to start college. She is supposed to be in the dorm on the 14th of this month. Her parents might be back late today. Might being the key word. If they don't get here, then we will get her to her tasks. I think after Thursday I am giving myself a day off.

School lunches have gone up in price, so my tween declared she is not paying that much money for THAT food! Not that she ever paid for her food but at least she is aware that the price changed. She frantically looked for her lunch bag this past weekend.  I wish I had been as proactive with sewing skirts!  They each have two, but it would be nice to have two more.

Back to the decreasing the flock subject, two Pekins and a Mallard couple have headed to the auction this morning. Sadly, DH left too fast, and I did not get a picture of the couples. Both girls are laying regularly, and their cheating boyfriends go after every other available hen. Hopefully they will end up in good homes and not a restaurant. This still leaves us with 14 ducks. There are four babies to take the place of the two couples. Now to get listing them and some of the chickens on a platform.

The barnyard is quietly speaking of the duck kidnapping. I am sure they are waiting for a duck amber alert. DH thought he would help me and picked up the cage not realizing that I needed to put cardboard or something on the bottom of the dog carrier to prevent escapes. Luckily the two that got out were tired and easily recaptured.

Time to get back to the "to-do list" for today. Have great day!!


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