Good bye July... Hello August

 Our Friday ended with a trip to tuck SIL in bed and a car accident on the way home. Not involving me just blocking the way. The traveling kids left yesterday on their first long-distance adventure. They checked in after making it to the first destination state. The truck stop they found gave them the first of what I am sure will be many "uncomfortable" situations". The fifth wheel and truck that they purchased is HUGE.! They gave new meaning to the cliche "go big or go home".

Delivery day

The first evening

The picture does not give a good perspective on size

They are scared half to death! They hung out here around the property for a few weeks to get used to it. They took time practicing with it. Yesterday they left to pick up the youngest kid from his friend's house in Oklahoma. (This was a post from more than three weeks ago)

Flash forward to August and the traveling kiddos have been stranded in Oklahoma since the first week they arrived. Their brand-new truck broke down. It went to the dealer at the end of their first week in Oklahoma and was finally returned to them this last Tuesday. Of course, they did not rush home to visit family that arrived here in their absence, but in their defense, they have not been to see anything since they were stranded at their 5th wheel while the truck was repaired. The latest news was that they are leaving out Sunday for a planned arrival day of Monday.

In the meantime, after arriving here, the traveling trio (My folks and 13-year-old Chloe) flew to California to celebrate our aunt's 102nd birthday. On their return it was decided that they would keep the dream of the 13yo alive, as she has waited all her life to go to Yellowstone. They have since left and headed for Yellowstone to tour the park and sightsee before heading back to Michigan. This summer has flown by with all of the appointments and court hearings and visitors from out of town. We made one trip in our motorhome, but it was not to Yellowstone. At first, I thought we would go with them, then I thought we could meet up with them. Tonight, it seems they are lost in the park. They did not get out of the park before dark and the GPS they are using says they will not arrive at their motel until 2am. Neither one can see well enough to drive in the dark. The cell service is very spotty. I spoke to her for a few seconds, so I know they are okay.

The camper is empty of people

I pulled the slide out, in

Tomorrow I will finish emptying the little things out

It looks so cozy compared to the beast that is the motor home. Although I did look online today and saw one that is even more spacious than the vehicle we bought. Ours has two slide outs and the one I looked at today has four it was huge looking! No, I am not looking for bigger, but it was interesting to see.

The kiddos start school next week and hopefully the traveling trio make it out of the forest before too long. I will close this post for now. 


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