When I finally had time to gather all the information on everyone's appointments it was obvious that I should never sign up for shifts without a planner in hand. I signed up for 5 shifts without the advice of a planner or calendar in hand. Much to my disappointment every shift except one had a conflict. I now have the guilty pleasure of telling the one who "pushed me" to pick up shifts, that we must change a few.
I say this because the person who schedules things played on my sympathies for their nursing shortage. It turns out now that they are going to add Q maps to the schedule. They say they will always have a nurse on duty, but I wonder about that. Every place I have worked has eliminated nurses 24/7 and gone with the other option and a nurse available if needed.
Time will tell. Onward, I did get a couple of other tasks put on the to do list. Goal setting and meal planning are my weak areas, and they did not make the list of tasks.
Last night's egg haul

I have found there are two ways to get the eggs I need for the day laid where I can easily access them. One is to leave the lid off of a feed barrel and the door to that area open. The ladies are ever so helpful in leaving me a gift in exchange for their treat being available. The other is to reach into the nest with a broody hen sitting on top. Not my favorite way. Broody ducks are way worse though.
It is already Friday; lost paperwork has been located. The kiddos are out the door and I can try to get ready for work and make a list for the weekend. Specifically, things we need for our trip to Mount Rushmore. Our plan in buying this beast was to start taking some trips with the kiddos before school started, so much for plans. I am going to contact the manager that somewhat "bullied" me into taking some shifts that I now need to adjust. I have also decided I will do those shifts and just be very particular about any further shifts. I do not want to burn the bridge so to speak, at least not yet.
With that I should close and get ready to rock the day! Or at least struggle through until quitting time!
Have a great day!!
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