Results of testing are in...

Be careful what you ask for! When I went to get the results of the testing for the youngest kiddo, I thought I was prepared. To a degree, I was. Most of what was revealed just reinforced what we suspected. There were some things I did not expect. Severe vision problems, dysgraphia, severe math learning problems along with the ADHD and impulsivity issues. Now it is time to make more appointments with other specialists.

At first it seemed surreal, most all of the daily challenges were covered, relief washed over me. The doctor couldn't print the report for me she stated it would arrive as an email later in the day. Trying to wrap my head around all of the information began to overwhelm me. Did she say what I thought she said? Is this child really facing those huge sounding hurdles? I checked my email more yesterday than I have all month. No report arrived. Not even this morning. Trying to be patient is not easy. 

As the day progressed my emotions began to bubble. How could any parent be so into drugs that they would do this to a child? This damage is drug use induced. Now with the adoption hanging stagnant in the court, so to her availability of some services. I could try and apply for Medicaid at this point and get her more medical coverage. However, some of the services that would benefit her are not covered by insurance. Too new be proven they work. The doctor was honest, she did say they may not help her, but we won't know if we don't try.

By the end of the night, I was more emotionally exhausted than physically. The what ifs don't matter, what now is at hand. The report did not arrive in my email the day I went to hear the results. The next morning, after what seemed like a blink of an eye sleep time, I decided I would call and see if they would print a hard copy to read. That had to wait until they opened at 0900.

The kids were up early and still excited about going to school. They headed out the door and climbed into the very messy van. As they did that the chickens who were out for their morning exercise decided that Scout, a large buff colored hen, should go with the kiddos to school.

The rest of the hens stayed clear as Scout jumped in one door and then was shooed out another. I set my purse down on the porch and then helped get the wily bird out of the car for good. Off we went to school. The girls were talkative and shared all the fun the last two days had been. Today we were heading straight there without any stops so of course the traffic would be heavy. The low tire light was lit not unusual for the orange van, I ignored it. After dropping the kiddos, I headed straight to the east gate of the base to get my immunization record.

The traffic at the gate was minimal as I turned into the area it dawned on me, my purse was still on the porch. As I pulled up to the gate guard, I explained the chicken story and asked to just turn around. She asked for something of value to hold on to. That caught me off guard, first of all I had nothing of value and second, why? I was asking to leave not travel on. Apparently, you must surrender something just to turn around. I offered my phone. 

As I drove to the east heading home, I called to see if anyone at the house was headed to town that could perhaps bring the purse, no answer. On arrival I saw DH under the riding lawnmower. I let him know what had happened. I then grabbed a few items to take to SIL and the purse and headed back to town. Finally, I got out of the car to go into the clinic. I could not ignore the noise. The left front tire was hissing and hissing loudly! I quickly weighed my options and decided to go to the tire store.

Two hours and $600 later I had new tires and new lug nuts (a story for another post) and the car cleaned out of trash and toys. I was on the road again. Now that I had lost two hours, I had to rearrange what I was going to do. I had not received the email from the neuro-psych testing place for the 10-year-old. I called and asked if they could print it as my printer is not user friendly these days. They would call me back. 

The gas light was on, it was 1130. If I moved quickly, I could get gas and make it to the clinic before they closed for lunch. I did so with 5 minutes to spare. I never got the call, but an email alerted me that I could come get a copy, so that was next. Then a trip to Costco and it was time to get the kids from school. At Costco I grabbed a hot dog and read the 19-page report. 

Today I will go visit with SIL and try to not feel a ton of guilt when I leave. My granddaughter is not feeling well so she will not be going tonight. With that said I have tons to do before I leave to do the errands of the day.


with French toast sticks

and bacon! 

See you later!


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