Priorities, pansies and problems...

Now that I am "unemployed" I have to prioritize all the "stuff" that I left my job to be able to do. Trouble is there is so much to go through it is hard to know where to begin! Birth certificates need replacing, tax documents, military documents the list goes on and on. Overwhelming for sure. Then there is the day to day stuff that has to occur too. The pansies and petunias have dried out from lack of water... my fault. The potatoes still need prepping... my job. Every morning seems to turn to chaos about 0700. It usually revolves around getting ready for school, I don't want to go to school, the dog ate my homework and that list goes on too. If there were a pattern other than rebellion I could probably figure it out. I have tried having everything packed up the night before, having clothes laid out, all the normal "fix" your morning things. It's not just the kiddos either, it's me. My inner rebel has been quiet too long and is coming out in...