What do you mean my dog is not a poodle mix?!?

Last night was a terrible night for sleeping. This is the first time in a very long time that I had a nightmare, I mean, a wake you up, your heart is pounding nightmare. No time to analyze it this morning. Still have to jump in the shower and get to work woo hoo! It's my last day! Sort of the new nurse apparently doesn't start for two weeks. Not sure how the big guy is going to handle nurse duties for that long. I can say "not my problem" but I can't do it.

On a more concerning note I received a message that my cute little dogs are not what I thought they were! I think that contributed to my nightmare... I mean really they are so cute and so not poodle mixes. Lhasa Apso and Shih Tzu 50/50. Poodle was easier to spell  and to say. I guess that doesn't account for the lion in my nightmare. But it might.

Well off to a very long day. Lots of ground to cover in getting things ready. Another going away party?! Wow quitting turned out to be so much fun! As I introduced the new nurse and saw her reaction to our "relaxed but covered" scheduling I saw the future of my staff members become very gloomy. She has no intention of working around anyone else's life. I guess that's just business but really it helps keep staff happy if you work with them.

Another 1800 exit and an upset resident that I can't please. I hope the new nurse is up for the challenge.. I am tired and off to bed.


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