
After a late night with the kiddos and a grandchild and all the noise that comes with three girls makes the morning seem incredibly quiet. In fact I was able to unload the dishwasher, fold the load of clothes in the dryer and pack their lunches without them waking up. Nice for the quiet but it might make getting dressed a drama party.

Well I was nicely surprised by the cooperation of the kids in getting ready for school. And work was even more surprising! Busy as a bee all day. Then one of the maintenance guys came up and said "is it true today is your last day?".  I looked at my helper and we both realized that the call I had earlier stating I needed to be in the HR office at noon might indicate that I was about to be walked out.

We both laughed and she said "Well they better realize that you are not leaving before six because there is too much for us to get done". The plan was this, if they walked me out she would throw my bag over the balcony to me. I had too many meetings to include one with a Medicaid assessment worker, to get walked out today! 

As I made my rounds to distribute paperwork to the appropriate departments I passed the Hollywood room and I heard a co-worker call out my name. So of course I had to investigate. Much to my surprise they had planned a going away party for me. I wasn't being walked out after all! They didn't include my staff but most of the managers were there. 

Tomorrow is going to be too short, there is soooo much to still get done. Better get to bed

Only the one that really irritates me was not there. How can you brag that you have worked for a police department for 18 years to a bunch of old people and it not be true?!? I mean how can you justify doing that??? That's why we don't get along... I called him on it.

So he also claimed he is a "therapist". A little investigation work and oh my he is a occupational therapy assistant not a "therapist". Again something he told a bunch of little old people is "licensed" to do. Really? He forgot to mention things that are true but totally on top of the fabrications that make you look way different than you are.


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