Why is quitting so difficult?

Why is quitting a job so difficult? It really shouldn't be. I have seen so many people just walk away from this building that I've lost track of the numbers. In my department alone it is greater than 50 in the years I've been here.

Maybe it's the idea of having "nothing" to do. Perhaps it is just the idea of no income.. whatever it is I have such difficulty leaving jobs! Even the army was hard to say good bye to. It isn't that it is hard to come by another job that stands in my way. Most of my adult life I have had two jobs at a time. Paying jobs that is and kids to take care of. These last two kiddos require more time and attention or at least it seems that way.

I went to bed last night secure in the decision I had made. This morning is only a little different, I have yet to get my spending impulsively under control. To make matters worse, the canisters I like are on sale at Costco! Now, do I need those canisters? Probably not. Do I want them? Sort of, well yeah I do. Am I going to go buy them? I really don't know.

This morning chaos reigned again as kids got ready for school. I woke at 0510 to get started getting their things ready. Even that was not early enough to have a cup of coffee. Oh I made the coffee! I poured it in the cup and everything! Then a small voice started calling. It got louder and louder as each "mom" left the lips of the speaker. Of course each utterance was rapid and there was barely time to say anything in response before the next syllable was delivered.  A deep breath and a quick prayer for patience and well, the promise that at 0730 they will be out the door for almost 8 hours doesn't hurt either! Let the good times roll!! 

And once I am done with my job I will use that time constructively! At least that is the plan.....


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