Priorities, pansies and problems...

Now that I am "unemployed" I have to prioritize all the "stuff" that I left my job to be able to do. Trouble is there is so much to go through it is hard to know where to begin! Birth certificates need replacing, tax documents, military documents the list goes on and on. Overwhelming for sure. Then there is the day to day stuff that has to occur too. The pansies and petunias have dried out from lack of water... my fault. The potatoes still need prepping... my job.

Every morning seems to turn to chaos about 0700. It usually revolves around getting ready for school, I don't want to go to school, the dog ate my homework and that list goes on too. If there were a pattern other than rebellion I could probably figure it out. I have tried having everything packed up the night before, having clothes laid out, all the normal "fix" your morning things. It's not just the kiddos either, it's me. My inner rebel has been quiet too long and is coming out in all the wrong ways.

After number 6 drops off her daughter so she can work she is talking to me as she is driving I hear her yell at a squirrel that he doesn't need to be playing on the grass! It was at that point I suggested perhaps she shouldn't drive on the grass and then the squirrel could play on the grass like a good little squirrel! She promptly informed me that the stupid squirrel was playing on the grass and then rolled into the road. Okay I guess that explains it...

Two of my friends and I have started an accountability group. We make a to do list and send it to the group each morning and then at the end of our day we send the list with competed items crossed off. With the idea that any unfinished items will roll to the next day. Also, that together we can encourage each other. The only problem is that although we are all on basically the same journey we all have very different schedules and I may have pushed the accountability thing on them. Looking back at my text messages I don't see any indication that I asked them to join me. More or less I just told them what we are going to do. Okay, more not less.

It is Labor Day weekend and here that means a weekend of balloon launch festivities and lots of traffic. I didn't think to take pictures of the launch from my balcony this morning. But it wasn't close anyway, not like when I was working and the launch are was two blocks from our building. It would have been nice to go in person but after so many years of being at work this weekend I really didn't think about it. So there will be no "to do" list until Tuesday but that one will be a whopper! 

I had purchased a camera a few months back, mainly to take pictures for the files at work because my boss, the executive director, ignored my requests to have social services take them. Well the last place I recall having that camera was at work and I haven't seen it in months. That doesn't mean that I left it there that's just a possibility. It may be here. It is on my list to look for it but I think it is below winding yarn into a ball. The kiddos took my yarn and messed the skeins up so badly that it must be wound into balls before it can be used. They did this while I was getting my turn at driving back from Montana.

I say the camera is lower on the list because for the last two days when I have had a minute to wind yarn, that is what I've done. Of course today that was after a batch of chocolate chip pancakes!

 Well I am off to enjoy the rest of the weekend while DH insists on rearranging the garage! Enjoy the holiday!


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