Nap? What is that?

Today I was a little on the high-strung side. It was difficult to stay away from my job... um I mean my former job. I know they were struggling. I received several calls and text messages, but my former partner received more than fifteen. She is not salary and isn't going to get paid for the calls. I am no longer employed by them so I won't get paid. He doesn't care. He is in crisis mode. Actually, he is trying to do all the things that I requested of him in the last two years. All of which he denied me stating they weren't required. 

Apparently they have changed all the rules to what I said they were... hmm that makes me psychic! One more thing I can add to my resume! All the kiddos are finally asleep, so I may finish this up in the morning. Good Night...

Morning came early, 0500 I had puppies licking my hand, scratching the bed and generally begging for company. So up I get to give them a little attention and let them out to potty. It is so much like Fall outside, I have mentioned that Fall is one of my four favorite seasons? I like Fall. The only part of Fall I do not really care for is Halloween. I don't mind the dressing up or the candy, it's the scary door to door stuff that I really resent.

When I was little I was always a "witch" that was my mom's favorite thing to dress me as. With a birthday in October I guess it just seemed fitting. Back then we went out without mom or dad and the bigger kids were on a mission to scare little kids aka me and they did an excellent job! 

That is my reason for the dislike of the door to door part of the festivities. Now for today's adventures... birthday party at 1100, baby drop off at 1330, closet organization and spelling word practice after that. Then baby pick up after 1900. 

Well that was a long night! Baby didn't go to sleep until midnight :(


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