It's over...and ... over and over again!

 The next chapter of my life is about to begin! There are but a few days to complete my tasks and get things in order for the next "in charge" person. I am relieved and anxious at the same time. I do know I will miss my staff. They are incredibly awesome! Even the least of them is more than one could ask for! Emotions run high when the stress level is exceeded over and over but they hang in there and care like no one else does.

Today I was in one of those escape rooms.... Okay I was really at work and trying hard to figure out how to get out of there! Thanks to a dear friend, I found my way out. Many have said I will feel the relief once I'm gone... heck I already feel relieved!

I had to go get the kiddos and two residents needed to speak to me so after DH returned home at 1830 I headed back to the scene of the... I mean back to work. As I entered the building a CNA was taking a resident back to her apartment.  The resident had just fallen. So this might take longer than planned. An incident report will be needed. There were two residents to speak to, one peg tube to flush, 11 old incident reports to review and sign, and oh wait another resident wants to talk. Oh and a suppository to give.

Let's start with that suppository, the resident was in the lounge area when I arrived so I thought "hey let's head into the bathroom and get this job over with!" I got the needed supplies, the resident and an assistant. With everyone in position I opened the suppository and carefully.. watched as it popped out of the plastic wrapper, swirled around the towel in the sink and headed straight down the drain! I could not recreate that event if I tried! That was the second dose of a 3 dose course so I went and got another suppository and tried again. Success! Then I had to call the pharmacy and report the demise of the dose and beg for a replacement. The laughter on the other end of the phone line was embarrassing after the first ten minutes... then she said she would get that out to us for tomorrow night's dose.

I'll save the urgent "talks" to share in another post... it is late after all.


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