IT's good to be home... It's good to be home... It's good to be home...

Really it is good to be home even if it takes three days to unload the car, another two to find all the wet swim suits and ten more to get used to being back to work. We made it back by 2330 and that to me was a record for that many miles. But yay I got to drive!!! Well at least part of the way :)

Once back in the driver's seat at work I realized...I'm done. Yes I love the residents and most of the families are terrific. But I'm done. I poured my heart into this place one little old person at a time but since the take over it is different. It consumes my life, my time and I have no control on what it needs from me. It's not nursing anymore and I am leaving it. I know most of my co-workers and some of my closest friends have heard me say this for a very long time. This week I have to end it.

To be honest I did not even want to return to work. I didn't even want to leave Montana. Although the latter may have been just because the motel had maid service. When we bought the party van, as we call it, I had envisioned a few road trips and camping trips. We bought a tent too. The motel was nicer lol. 

DH and his sister at her home.

Ready to go!
I spent a little time one morning talking to one of the motel staff members. She shared with me that the minimum wage there is very low. Also, that she herself was trying to establish a good job history as it was hard to get a good job if you were a "jumper". A jumper is someone who changes jobs with a change of the wind.

My heart knows I don't want to leave a few of the residents, nor do I want to leave most of my co-workers. One cannot save the world even if one tries. Tonight I go to a memorial service for someone who should not have perished. I couldn't save that one either. 

Well I'll close for now before I get emotional besides that we have a play dough theft that needs investigating...


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