How to organize the unorganized..

If you are looking the answer to the title of this post then go to another blog. This writer is the most unorganized person in the world and chaos reigns every morning no matter the day! School days, even with public school, are the worst with Sunday being second place. Even Saturdays can be crazy unless we are doing what both girls want to do at the time they want to do it. Rare indeed!

Both kiddos resist change. Even if it is only a change of position! Perhaps it is the only control they can muster. Flexibility is not always available in the schedule in the mornings. Frankly, I feel I am the only one working on the process most days. So I am the one that gets to be flexible (insert a very sad face here).

For four days they have refused to sleep in their own rooms and have camped out on the couch, a blow-up bed and in my bed. It starts when I babysit overnight each week for a CNA's child. They don't want the baby in their room, or mine but a camp out is okay... then it continues after she goes home. Then on Sunday I have to force them back to their rooms. Heaven help me if I have to go to work to solve anything in the evenings. They don't get to bed until I return home.

Or worse all the neighbor kids join them in searching for snacks! Yesterday I ran to the commissary for salad ingredients and returned to five bicycles parked on the drive. Opening the door I didn't find any riders to those bikes. I looked in every lower level room really expecting to find a kid or two. Then as I ascended the stairs to the upper level the details of what had occurred in my absence was evident. Mind you DH was left to watch the kids.

It started on the steps, fluorescent colored straws with flexible bends were lying here and there. Some were shoved together as if to create a necklace or just a shape. The trail continued into the living room area and on the counter in the kitchen lay the open pack of straws. My fault they had been hidden before I ventured out but when I located them I put them out for use in the root beer floats planned for after supper. There's enough left for that so no harm.

Hmm... an empty package from the Oreo cookies that I bought. Guess they found a snack! Aha! They also found some ice cream bars... yep box is empty! DH walked in the back door wanting one of those and said, and I quote "what happened to the ice cream?'.

He really said that! I responded with the standard "Not sure you were in charge". Of course, I left and never told him I was leaving... I do it every time because that makes sense. (insert a crazy laughing face here)

Again I have to go into work late and the kiddos will no doubt be up when I return...


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