Day 3 it's control time...

It's early in Montana and just like home I am up before the rest. The quietness of the motel room is a little refreshing but it will only last a few moments. The littles got a souvenir last night... okay the littles went to Walmart and got a new toy that they couldn't possibly have found back home. But to them it's a souvenir. I wonder if in 2 years they will remember that they got it here? No matter they are ecstatic about it! They played, together no less, until almost midnight. Perhaps they will sleep till 0600... or at least until I can get showered and dressed. 

I tried several swim suits last night in an attempt to find one that didn't enhance the wrong areas. So we will go to the pool today. But first breakfast at Kim's for the rest of the gang. I ate at the motel and washed the laundry up for the trip home. Once they are all up we can leave. It's pretty here. I would consider moving here if I were younger.

We finally headed to Kim's and then we were there much longer than anticipated for a very funny reason.  Her clock in the dining room had stopped at 1130. Not sure when but with no reason to worry about time, thus no one did. So at a little after noon we headed to the dreaded pool. On the way to the pool DGD was in the driver's seat of the party van.  DH had the privilege of shotgun! Not by choice of course.  Let's just say if I had made a you tube video.... I'd be able to retire in style! She and I had googled the shortest distance to the pool. He disagreed but we did it anyway. A mile down the road DGD pulls over and DH is frantic! "Why are you pulling over?!?!" What he didn't see was a SWAT group passing us to surround a house!  It was fun to watch.

The trip to the pool was entertaining! I was very self-conscious at the thought of wearing a bathing suit so I bought a "cover-up". It is a sheer material and it allowed me to feel a bit better... until I tried to pull it off. With that attempted action my whole top came off! To say the least I was a bit embarrassed! The cover-up has not been worn since!!

Well, more happened that last full day in Montana but those were the highlights worth sharing... 


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