Sometimes illness is a blessing

Sometimes illness can be a blessing. Weird I suppose, but it can give you time to visit with friends and family, explore old neighborhoods and generally reflect on life. Reflecting on the choices that have shaped our present and past adjusting for the future as needed. Wondering what would have been can consume all of your time if you let it. So push those wonderings to the cobwebs of your mind and get on with living.

Having tried to do just that “push the what if’s “ aside, I have no idea what is next in life for us. We are waiting for the basement to be done and wondering if maybe we should stay in the city or move to another place, town or state for that matter.

I just don’t think I want to move where bugs out number people lol! Or where the snow lasts longer than the summer lasts! I don’t “love” the house we are in nor the one we are getting. But they are both adequate for our current needs. Too big is ridiculous to clean and too small is crazy to organize!

It seems that whenever someone gets sick or dies on my side of the family or on his, the opposite side also has a crisis. So off to Montana we go with kids and grandkids in tow. This trip we are taking our old van instead of flying.  Two hours into the trip and it’s motel time but only because our first stop city had no open rooms for the first night of the trip. So the decision was made to stop way early.

Note to self do not stop at the next place with a light on. Room was too small, no amenities like a bathtub to bathe the kids. I actually couldn’t find an ice machine either but it was for lack of wanting to explore. After a short night of catching up with a grandchild’s life and a little sleep, we are on the road again. The new plan was to make it to our destination on the second day with as few stops as necessary.

We succeeded! The super 8 was much more comfortable than the last place and actually was a third of the price. So off to find family, Walmart and explore. Not in that order maybe but at least on the list.     Check back on the progress of that later!!!                                                                                                  


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