A moment of craziness...

Today was our first day back in the workbooks. It went well for the first 3 hours. By then all patience was gone for all of us. We did get three days worth of pages done in several sections. We will still have to work a little tomorrow and Sunday to make up for 2 days of fun. After the day at the park and an impromptu sleep over we had another day of appointments and me hitting a dog, that belong to a person was who in need of mental health services before I hit the dog. That was just the beginning of the craziness!

After DH had his appointment for the pre-op review I was minding my own business, driving cautiously as I was about to make a turn. Near the side of the road was a woman and a dog. As I slowed down, wary that the dog might run out in front of me, it lunged and ran into the road and I promptly hit the brakes but hit the dog. I opened the door to get out and the dog jumped up and ran, the lady started screaming at me hysterically. I had just hit her dog so it made sense for about 30 seconds. Then she started rambling on about how she had been held in chains for months and she just escaped and I hit her dog! 

She in fact had a huge chain around her, she then said "I hit my dog". To which I replied no I hit your dog and she ran let's go get her. She then said "she's okay didn't you see her run? Get off my street %!*@#! I hate the city, I hate people, you killed my dog!" I dialed 911. I explained what I could but none of it made real sense. 

I left the scene for about 15 minutes I was looking for the dog but when I returned she was gone. Or at least I thought she was. As I walked along the road looking for her, a man and a woman were in a yard so I approached them. For a moment they looked like a normal couple, then I asked her how she was and immediately recognized her voice as that of the screaming woman. Something wasn't right though, she was in different clothing.

The man was just talking to her calmly and I asked if he knew her and he said no, she just wandered up out of the next yard but from the back side of the house. I motioned to him to try to keep her there while I called 911 again. When the deputies arrived I explained that she was in different clothing that she must have obtained from someone's house or clothes line. She was also barefoot and without the huge chain that she had wrapped around her waist. A tree trimming truck drove by slowly and she started screaming at them and told us to hide as they had been following her all day!

They convinced her to get into the front seat of their vehicle and they took her home. (I learned this later as I went to the house that she had walked through the back yard to look for the clothing that she had been wearing. The owner was home and saw me looking around his yard) The story gets more complicated but I will leave it there. The dog? It is fine it ran home apparently I stopped in time and it was not hurt... just like the lady said.

Sorry I have no pictures to document this event, it is burned in to my brain that's bad enough lol. Needless to say once I picked the girls up and returned home it was late in the afternoon and no workbooks were going to get done.

The sunrise on my way home this morning made up for the craziness of yesterday!


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