Reboot and try again...
Yesterday I thought perhaps I should redo the placement tests for the kids. In reality, we just went with what public school said their grade levels were. I was really excited when I looked in the teacher's manual that there was a "readiness" worksheet for the second grade math book. I already knew that with #9 there would be some challenges just based on being on the spectrum. Plus with an IEP in public school I was kept apprised of where she was in each subject according to them.
With the youngest I just went with the grade level that the school planned on putting her in. So after 3 hours of testing the oldest and her struggling through with tears and determination, I set up the table to begin with the youngest... and abruptly stopped and packed up the car to run to town. I received a call that my meds were ready for pick up. Luckily my daughter said hey bring them by here and I will conduct the test.
I took advantage of that and also advantage that I could steal 10 extra minutes at the Bx and look for a couple of things. The Cutco person was there and I ordered some knives. I really like the Cutco knives. After placing my order I went into the actual store and found nothing that I really wanted to buy. Sad. On returning to my daughter's house I thought how nice the test will be over and the kiddos can get to work on regular class work and have an early day of it.
My daughter met me at the door and it was not a happy sight. She said "I stopped the test because they knew absolutely nothing on the paper". She went on about how she could not believe that the prior school had not taught any of the stuff they needed to know to be ready for second grade. This is the most furious that I had seen my daughter in a long time!
I too, was disappointed but it just meant to me that we go back to the first grade workbooks and review. Not to her! She was going to call the school and give them what for! The kids and I took the rest of the day off from books. I had a freezer to return to the store and my son in law needed someone to drive his car home from the dealer and the dogs had been locked up in the house for far too long.
Did we deserve the day off? No. We took it anyway. Charlotte Mason might approve of my approach... but my daughter wouldn't, so I didn't tell her. Today wasn't much better. I way too many errands that needed attention and no patience for tears and books. My plan is to focus on the basics for now. Reading, writing and math.
Okay, so it isn't really stolen... it is just moved over to the linen closet in the same bathroom. Not ideal but better than only one bathroom and I only lost 3 shelves so that isn't so bad. The trade off is a walk-in tub... some day. The tub just wouldn't fit in the closet.
We used this program several years ago and have reverted back to that and the LifePac and Horizons and Complete Curriculum series for now. It seems to be working well and we have started with also. That is helping #9 as she is at the same grade level or lower than the other two on some areas.
With all the fires and smoke we get these overcast sunsets like this one yesterday. Hard to get used to only one mile visibility when the normal is over 50.
This is the little freezer that could but went back anyway!
Some of the occupants in our home are a bit on the lazy side these two lay at my feet no matter what I am doing unless they are allowed to run outside together. On those occasions they run off and make me worry if they are ever coming back. I tell myself not to worry but I do anyway.
Today was Thursday and for having to do 20 hours a week of school we have actually not done too bad this week. It was a rough start but we are finally moving in the right direction! Thursday is also the day my older daughter does the lessons! So I get to drop the three girls off and take a much needed break from the chaos.
Tomorrow we are having a trip to the space museum so that will also give me a little break. Will they learn anything? Not sure but we are doing it anyway.
Tomorrow also ends with a memorial service for a former resident. I hope to be done in time to attend. So I will close for tonight and try to get some sleep since puppies are all in kennels and my grand-dog is whining about it.
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