Saturday came early... I hope it doesn't stay late

 Not sure why everyone was up at 0330 this morning but they were. Well everyone except DH. It is nice to get an early start but even that was a bit early for me. Number 10 is ready to lose a baby tooth and that has her super excited! Especially since my granddaughter who is 14 months younger has lost 6 already and the tooth fairy showed up even with covid on the loose!

I did some of the cleaning early but it is sometimes pointless with kids up that early. You don't get time to enjoy it before they proceed to change the scenery.  The gift projects are coming along slowly. The dishcloths and scrubby pads are cute I am sure they will be liked. Today I start the slippers. Yes, slippers for all in this house and some for gifts. Then I will move on to hats.

Last night I turned in early so I did not get a to do list ready for today. My mental notebook doesn't work right lol. So a paper list is best. finally, number 10 is settling down 4 hours after getting up. I'm exhausted! DH just finished cooking for the men's breakfast and is out the door. So it is just the girls and I and Pete's Dragon playing in my bedroom.

Perhaps we will take the recycles to town and get milk. Or just finish cleaning the kitchen, or work on the slippers, or the blanket that I started last spring, who knows what I can get done with no extra kids and no real plans that come to mind. (Need that paper list)

The littlest wants a movie buddy so that is what I'll do first.

First pair of slippers done! Well the crochet part anyway..

Tomorrow I will try to get the leather for the soles. It's optional with the pattern but I would like to try it!
Also, no tooth fairy tonight it just wouldn't come loose!


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