Pumpkin preserving time!
This morning started with a roar! At 0450 number 10 bellowed for some chocolate milk. Not only that she was ready to get up! Therefore everyone shall get up. I opened the door on the east side of the house to let out the bigger dogs and the music was still blaring from somewhere across the fields. No room to complain as I have dogs that bark incessantly when the phone rings, a car comes in the drive, a bird flies too close to the yard or a fly gets out of line.
Really though how can anyone stay up that late?! Oh well, people move out here to get away from neighbors that complain. Our new neighbors all enjoy late nights it seems. Those to the west and those to the east. They also enjoy 3 and 4 wheel toys to race up and down the street. Not so good for the dogs and their security. It makes them very nervous.
Today we had planned several things to include, going to town, setting in the pool liner in the big pool and starting to switch the water from one pool to the other. However, yesterday we did not get all of the brackets off of the sides. Today it was too windy and cold for DH to do that project so pool take down and water transfer will have to wait until after this next cold spell.
I baked the pumpkins, well most of them, this morning before church. With that done I had planned to go to town and get milk and a few groceries for the week. Also, the guys were going to work on the fence. The weather turned cold faster than it should have so I called my daughter and updated her on the fence and the pool being on hold and informed her that I would focus on covering plants in the garden. She said they would come out and help with that instead.
To pass the time while waiting for the help I scooped pumpkin meat out of the baked pumpkins.

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