Day 2 might go better...

I cannot say day 1 was chaos, but I can say it could have gone smoother. I stuck to one section then a break. It was crazy hard to get them back into the books. So Day 2 will not get a break until 2 sections are done. Doing what I could with my two before adding the third was definitely a good decision.

Not sure these pictures will do the early morning sky any justice but here they are.

The sky was like black velvet and the stars twinkled so bright! I took advantage of the quiet and made a fresh pot of coffee. The two bigger puppies had run off together when I opened the door for them to potty. I am trying to be okay with it when they do that. It is dark and I don't imagine they go that far but it is dark so I cannot tell.

The morning started off with a beautiful sunrise for day one. Of course #10 had already got up to turn the sun on so I was not alone. Then I discovered that my son's cat/kitten was missing... well I certainly should send help to look for the little darling...

Two handy helpers to the rescue and I can have that coffee in peace... well it didn't last long they are on the way back in the picture. I tried. Guess I should try something else for peace and quiet.

I am very behind on the craft a month in a way. April and I made 5 blankets in July. So I basically figured that covered a few months and moving thrown in there made things more challenging.  However, the holidays are fast approaching so for September I have made three dishcloths. Crocheted dishcloths, so it's not just a towel cut into cloths. I will check my pictures to see if I took one yet. Not sure that I did. My mother did request some new ones this year. I needed an idea for her birthday as it is just before Christmas so that helped me a lot!

Black cherry kool aid tastes so good when you are giving up the soda! Just letting you know!


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