Lest we forget..

Yesterday was 9-11, I was extremely busy with daily life, yet the memory of that day played like a 8 track tape in my mind. I did not take the time to explain it to the kids in the house. Not that it didn't seem important, it just didn't happen. Too many other things were happening that took precedence over that memory for me.

However, I missed an opportunity or at least I feel like I did, to remind the kiddos that service and responsibility for our country and the freedom we have is on all of us. Covid-19 has turned our lives upside down and taken over what is important to us as a people.

Luckily, Veteran's Day is coming up and we can touch on it there, as a homeschooling parent I feel that constant reminder is important to all of us. Our History this Fall is just covering the state of Colorado and we will move to surrounding states as the year goes on. The other events must and can be worked in to the curriculum.

As we try to settle into this new house and clear out of the old house I find more and more duplicates of things. Perhaps because I was trying to go between two houses. More likely that I just forgot that I had already purchased something. It is amazing home much "stuff" we have accumulated in 18 months.

Of course I continue to look at real estate and dream LOL. I am looking for the perfect house I suppose. Yesterday, I found one I really liked and called my realtor friend and requested a tour. Why?  Because you never know what the future holds. Owning real estate, to me is more secure that stocks and bonds, but it also rounds out my retirement portfolio in my mind if nowhere else. Well it turns out that it is under contract so that door is closed.

In the meantime I must organize this place in a fashion that allows for easy access and less clutter! I see a trip to the thrift store for a donation in my near future. 

In downsizing the wardrobe for the kiddos I am thinking more towards a limited amount of outfits and a greater amount of under things. With the end result being less laundry and upkeep for me... hopefully. My kitchen looks like a category 4 tornado went through so that is demanding attention immediately. Also the kiddos are hungry so I guess I am obligated to feed them... or is it just a requirement to make food available? I get confused on that one so in an effort to avoid a category 5 tornado I will close and go make them food.

Enjoy the pictures of our first snow! It has all melted and the temps should reach the seventies today...YAY!


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