Monday, Monday

Well it is Monday, and the chaos is already at full throttle. My granddaughter arrived at 0550 and the girls here were up at 0450. It doesn't matter what time I get up they either beat me awake or join me within 10 minutes. School will begin in about 10 minutes. 

Rebellion to follow shortly. Workbooks will be started and the technology will go dark for at least today. I would love to have it go dark until after the holidays. However that would be difficult when I hide in this little bedroom and blog.

Going back to the washer incident this is my washing machine impeller. Not sure why but everything gets stuck on this thing and pokes holes in it. Okay maybe screws and nails do not need to be washed, but really should they poke holes in the plastic this easily?

That said I forget to check pockets every now and again. Every time I forget it happens. There are a total of ten holes in the impeller. I already do not like HE machines, but when the house burned down and things had to be replaced I did make this impulse buy. It is a good machine but takes forever to get a load done. So water bill goes down and electric bill goes up. I suppose since one is a renewable resource and the other is not it makes sense. There just isn't enough time in a day for a 5 hour load of clothes.

It makes me miss my wringer washer. That is the ultimate water saving machine! I watch the ads for another one as a new one is $1000.00 hard to justify when an automatic one is way cheaper. That's if you can even find a new one. they are no longer made here in the U.S. but there was a time when Lehman's took orders for them. Not any more though. Time is a little bit scarcer than it was when the kids were little too. So using one that you must do the actions for such as changing water, feeding the clothes through the wringer, turning on and off the drain pump can be a bit more time consuming than an automatic too. I still want one for rugs and heavily soiled things. They (Lehman's) still sell their own wringer washer but it is no where close to want I want!
And it is close to $900.00 so no thank you. I had a master plan to go to town today and I did. In fact I went twice, not on purpose but stuff happens. I was making a milk run. Hobby Lobby is no where near the milk store but I did managed to drive like it was. I found the leather and a leather punch for my slipper projects. Then I received a frantic call from DH. He had an appointment to get a car worked on at 1300 and I needed to stop what I was doing and come home. So I did. Only to turn around and drive him back to town and get the milk that I had forgotten! 

Tomorrow... the recycles go to town with me stayed tuned!


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