Time alone...

Good Morning! Ever have one of those days that doesn't go quite right but it's okay? Yesterday was that for me. It started out with the plan to just straighten up the cat 4 tornado mess in the kitchen (see pics below) then my daughter called. She found a museum of interest to her and invited us to go. So we agreed to come to her house, not in an effort to avoid the mess, just to go do something spontaneous. 

My goal in the kitchen was to clear one counter at a time and get the dishes tidied up. All the dishes were completed and the bottom picture was a clear counter when we left. 

Before I go to town I have to feed the animals, water the garden, check on the cat and empty the litter box and get the trailer ready for the day. If it is going to be warm that means opening the windows and shutting off the heat if cold then of course making sure it stays warm. So when I left we were ready to go to Parker to this museum without any worries of what we were leaving undone.

By the time I got to the edge of town my daughter had called to let me know that things had changed. She accidently bought two sets of movie tickets for the same day but different times. Long story short she took the two kiddos with her and saw the original Jurassic Park. Now I was concerned that it would spoil it for her as the kids might be too scared so I stayed in town and waited for the call to come and get them. Two hundred and ninety dollars later I still didn't have a call!

Before you chastise me for the shopping spree it was shoes and clothes for number nine. She has had a growth spurt that is only rivaled by my teenage grandson. At 2 and a half inches taller than me and 140 pounds she literally needed new clothing! All of her shorts are officially "daisy dukes" and that is not cool at 10 years old. She is going to be one tall kid if this keeps up! Also I bought a variety and I am sure not all of it will fit so today while she is at a birthday party I will return the items that do not fit. Who knows it may be everything!

I must close this for now as kids are hungry and we are going to the first day of in person children's church after we eat. Then the birthday party and clothing return happens. A busy day is planned!


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