Relax... Or at least try to!

 Yesterday was a whirlwind of activity starting at 0400. My grand-dog spent the night and since she has a habit of peeing indoors at home I was on my toes for any movement in the night that might suggest she needed out. It came at 0350, My reaction was delayed but we made it out by 0400. My babysitting charge was due to be dropped off by 0530 so I had a decision to make... stay up or grab a few more winks.

I chose the latter and to my surprise I awoke again at 0630 with no extra kid. A quick call to the mama revealed that the baby was sick so no work this morning and also I had said I was driving to her that morning. Oops! Well it all worked out in the end. As I readied myself for the day ahead I reminded DH that I needed to pick up some prescriptions at the base and he would have the girls for a bit. The response indicated that I needed to find adequate childcare for my time away.

My older daughter and the homeschool group had a trip to the space museum planned for 1100 but she said the kids could come early and work in their workbooks while I did my errands. So with bookbags packed and my grand-dog loaded in the van we headed to town. No need to keep the dog if the mama was home from work in my opinion. When I arrived to drop the dog, that daughter said drop the kids and she would take all the kids to the next daughter as baby had a same day appointment.

That gave me time to do my errands in a different order! A quick run to the Leoti house to return the trash can back up to the garage area and grab a box or two from inside and I then headed to drop the recycles. Yay! I was able to be the first to drop stuff in the bin after pickup, then I was off to the base. Last week someone had filled the bin within 2 days with moving cartons and for 5 days you could not get anything else in.

I was also able to check on my 8 foot tall sunflower that DH and I disagree on.

With all the fuss over covid the pharmacy may be busy but they are 10 times faster than they were before the pandemic! A quick check of the time revealed that it was time to be headed to the museum and the car would not start. I tried to call DH, my daughter and lastly I decided I just would miss the field trip and it would be okay. With one last turn of the key it started! I was late but I made it! Little did I realize that moment would set the tone for the rest of the day.

The museum was a hit with all the kiddos and of course there is never enough time to see all the sights especially when you must make time for the gift shop! Everyone got a taste of space ice cream. What the attraction is to freeze-dried ice cream is beyond me! Every time we have gone to Wright-Patterson AFB the older kids always wanted some and I balked at the price. In hindsight, it was relatively cheap!

With leaving at 1300 I was going to be late for the 1400 funeral that I was due at. Luckily it wasn't mine, but perhaps I can manage to be late for that too. Rushing back out east just to rush right back in reminded me that living in town had some definite advantages. If the baby hadn't been sick I would have begged for a sitter. As it was I would make the service but I would be 20 minutes late. Since the service was scheduled to be 2 hours I headed in to town. Arriving at the church there was a sign that stated you needed to call ahead for reservations. Didn't do that. So I sat in the parking lot and streamed the service on Facebook.

Well I was in town so I figured I should get the milk and dog food and head back out to shower the kiddos so they could go get their hair dyed at Auntie's house. We accomplished that! Late again for the birthday party for my friend's grandchild though. It was scheduled for six thirty at the gravesite. So being late didn't bother them. He (the grandchild) would have been 20 years old yesterday. 

Each year the family gathers on his birthday to sing Happy Birthday and release balloons. Some years they do it graveside other years they have been out of state so they do it wherever they are. But the Gramma, my friend, decorates his grave every holiday and every birthday. She also makes the journey to her daughters graves on the anniversary of their deaths and decorates those as well. I admire her respect and her caring attitude.

After all the fun and cupcakes it was time to pick up the girls and go home. Once we arrived we found ourselves locked out. Weird because DH had just called and wondered where we were. It turned out that he left the sliding door open for us. I dislike that door as it does not move smoothly and is too heavy for the girls or I to open swiftly. This allows the dogs to gang up in front of it and jump on us as we enter. NOT fun! You would think the entry would be the end of this post but it isn't.

After getting the kiddos into bed and trying to find some Voltaren for my aching elbow I stepped on a razor blade from a box cutter! I was already on the angry side now I was furious, as I scold DH almost daily about those blades! He is very lax about picking things up and/or dropping things without realizing it but this was it! Now to find a bandage... GRRRR


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