Wow! Time Flies and then stands still... at the same time!

Today is the final day of 2019. I have been on stagnant mode since just after Thanksgiving. Not really sure why, but it seems I've gone dark. Time to wake up and prepare for the future. This past year was "enlightening" for sure! Losing the house in January, dreaming of quitting work in February, March brought house hunting and birthdays, April more birthdays and more house hunting. Then we needed to vacate the rental house. Our first move of the year was much lighter! The second proved that we were good at finding more "stuff"! DH checked out the drive time to the ER from the rental house... yup much faster! We found the little house and it was the first house DH gave a thumbs up to so we bought it. It had everything I never wanted in a house! Split-level, vaulted ceilings and a horribly torn up back yard! But it has become "home". We looked at 40 acres in a town way out east and it had potential but it was so far away... my thoughts were wha...