A Boring day... or so the kids say

 The kiddos were not happy that we were not going somewhere yesterday. Frankly, after 2+ hours in the car just to get to the museum I am ready for several days at home! We did have a full day planned regardless. We were going to go to the space museum today to make up for the "boring at home" day, but appointments ran over and DH was too tired to make the trip.

Add to that I forgot to grab dog food and milk on museum day and that necessitated a quick run to the store for those two items. I did grab 5 dozen eggs to be ready for the men's breakfast on Saturday. That should save me from going later this week.

Every second and fourth Saturday the men get together at the church and have breakfast. Usually, DH brings scrambled eggs, and leaves my kitchen a disaster. This week he can't drive and probably won't want to cook. So this weekend he will take egg cups. Because I will have to cook them and they are neater to make than 3 dozen scrambled eggs... and we get stuck with eating the leftovers. I like egg cups!

Also on the way home from all the excitement that a doctor visit can muster, the littlest lost another tooth! The tooth fairy is going to go broke! This fairy assistant tried to give the child a $20 bill for the 5 ones and 3 five dollar bills that she currently has in her wallet... just to help the fairy out tonight. "No waaay" 
she yelled "this is from the tooth fairy I can't trade it!" The tooth fairy has nothing but 20's this can't be how it ends!

I shall close early so I can scrounge for change... By the way the dogs left the couch alone today but ate two bed pillows! Grrrrr... There was not time to kennel them ... again.


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