It is Saturday!

 Good morning! After a very cold Friday without water for most of the day; it was nice to get up and turn the faucet on and see the water flowing. 

It is also the men's breakfast this morning so on cue I got up and started the egg cups. Of course the dogs needed outside, a child needed chocolate milk, DH needed help getting dressed and his truck would not start. Much to my dislike I started my van, swept the snow off and carried the finish egg cups out to the van.

Since I had used the remote start I was unable to open the doors and I had already given the keys to DH. Now if you were here watching us you would note this to be a comedy of errors. He was tugging at the driver's door with no results. I was tempted to open the rear sliding door as it does not lock at all.

Instead I told him to hit the unlock button on the keypad and open his door. Now his car is also a Chrysler product so this shouldn't have been a big challenge as our key fobs are identical right down to the color. As I watched him stare at it trying to figure out which button to hit, I bit my tongue and waited.

Once he got the door open and attempted to sit in the driver seat, which by the way I'm quite a bit shorter than he is, so it's very close to the steering wheel. I do not like to lean back so the seat is straight up. He finally maneuvered into the seat and got it adjusted to suit him. 

Once he was in I asked him to go ahead and unlock the door so I could put his egg cups in this passenger seat it took a minute but he got it. After sweeping off the windshield and the hood of the car from the snow I waved goodbye and went inside. 

I heard the horn beep, he had opened the door and was yelling at me that the car would not go into gear. I calmly told him to put the key in the ignition and turn it on. He put the key in the ignition but the car was already on so he did not turn it. With a bit of irritation in his voice he said it still won't move.  I repeated the instructions to turn the car on he repeated the car is on. I had to tell him again, you have to turn the key.

He still could not get the car to come out of gear. It was then that I said push the button on the handle and he yelled, I got it, I got it and he was off to his breakfast! It wasn't three minutes before the phone rang. 

It was that moment he realized we probably needed to turn the heater down in the well house so that we don't have a) huge electric bill or b) start anything on fire with the high heat. So I let him know I would go back down on the well house and turn the heat down.

He then insisted on me waiting until he was home. I did not ask why because I did not want to hear him say oh so I can help you. Because let's face it 3 weeks post-hip replacement he's not climbing down the ladder and I really don't want him teetering above me over the opening.

I waited. Okay I waited until he came home and fell asleep and then I did it!


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