Veggie Tales for breakfast

 Good Morning Veggies Tales! Nope that is not working today. Gramma is the bad guy... again. Baby is not having it if she has to stay this morning. We still have a few weeks to get her staying with me and not regretting it. Finally, she cried herself to sleep and I laid her in the pack and play. 

An hour later she is up and not happy to be here. But food might help. Nope that is not working either... what's that in the driveway?! Yay! It's Auntie!! She eats for Auntie and plays for Auntie... now Auntie has to go. Baby drags her own coat to the door. It is evident that she is going with Auntie, like it or not.

Once baby was gone for today the other kids and I set down to get back into the daily groove of workbooks and learning. It is hard some days! We keep short and sweet and try to be thankful for the tasks we do manage to get done. Four pages for the younger two and six for the older one covers at least two of the essential subjects and making valentines for our friends can cover the last essential for the day.

Also, after this morning's lack of grace for others we will review these rules.

Surely, this is all I can manage for today! I'll try again tomorrow :)


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