President's Day

 It is President's Day and as homeschoolers we did nothing to take note of it. The day was filled with other more pressing challenges. One of which was finding the kitchen counter.  The day has continued to be chilly although not as bone chilling as the last two days. Quite a few funny things occured over the last four or five days; unfortunately there isn't time to share all of them on the blog.

Today I did have plans to move things out of the guest/sewing room. Once I started moving craft items from their storage areas I realized I didn't want to. Moving rooms takes a lot of energy and time. With the terribly cold weekend we just had there were more important things that needed to be done. 

The ladies are fine!
Checking on the chickens was number one on my list, then jumping the battery on the pickup truck was next, catching up the laundry and dishes were right up there. This may not seem like it should be a priority but using the whipping cream was very urgent. Today was the use by date and again I had not even opened the carton. So I quickly made whipped cream mounds for hot cocoa. They are currently flash freezing. Next was whipped cream for pancakes and jello for the next two days. Then I added fudgesicles and butter to the list to avoid unnecessary waste.

The added bonus... fresh buttermilk!

Yummy fresh butter!

Most important!

Tomorrow morning will either be pancakes or Dutch babies. I guess it will depend on how cranky the baby is with me in the morning. Yep the little darling is coming over for a bit. I ordered a new carseat for my van as the ones that I have are from the 8 year old and they have been sitting in a car that hasn't been driven since the fire over two years ago. Only for lack of keys, but still the seats are definitely outdated and probably full of spiders.

The new seat arrived Friday so I unpacked it today. Okay I opened the box and they put no expense in to the packaging! Literally...
There was nothing in the box except the seat, no plastic bag, no styrofoam, no extra cardboard... I am not complaining at all! I was just kind of shocked. It was all assembled and no wasted packaging. Amazing, is my thought.

Now I just need to install it into the van and add the baby. This should improve my escape route! Yes, if she cries too much we are going for a ride... a long ride. Okay not that long, just back to town to drop her off to Auntie.

Planning my garden was started today. I listed the seeds we have on hand, the ones I want to buy and what fruit trees I would like to add to the property. This is just the beginning of trying to figure out what we want or need from our garden this year. Our fruit trees may end up being planted at our house in town. Apple trees have just failed out here so many times. I would like to see a couple survive before I die!

Our peach trees died the year of the fire. Last fall I planted two apricot-plum tree mixes. Hopefully they will take off and thrive. Grape vines will be planted at the other house too. 

Well it is late, and the kiddos need to go to bed... and I need to check on the fudgesicles.. you know, give them a test run so to speak.

Okay it should have stayed in the freezer til morning....
But it was good!!!


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