You Tube censoring the Epoch Times.

 Perhaps this is going to be a long year. One look at the state of censorship in the US and it becomes apparent that the CCP has taught the left a few tricks. This morning my inbox had its' usual truckload of emails to go through. One in particular was from The Epoch Times it was telling for sure. 

The title stated that YouTube had demonetized two of their channels. These channels provide fact checking and conservative opinions. The US has always claimed censorship as a bad thing. Now it is being thrust upon us with abandon for all that is right. For all that is good for kids to find on YouTube there is twice as much that is inappropriate but they attempt to censor good free speech by punishing it monetarily.

I am adding a goal this year to my list. finding a way to block material on YouTube from the kiddos. I am glad that demonetizing The Epoch Times won't stop them from spreading the truth and fact checking, but what does this mean for free speech? Or should I ask "conservative" free speech?

I must move to other things for this post today, however the above will remain in my forethoughts. Did you see that "Phil" saw his shadow?! Next thing you know they will censor "Phil"! Alas, he predicts six weeks of winter. Still need to start my garden seeds... and order some new peach trees for planting this spring. Regardless of "Phil" and his uncensored self.

Yesterday I took the kids to town in an effort to put a package in the mail. We stopped at a friend's home to play for a bit. I did not get the package mailed but I did learn that my friend is expecting a new baby! Now technically I knew her mom before her but you take one you get the other! Bonus buy in the friends department.

The daughter took the opportunity to tell her mother at the same time as telling me. Safety in numbers you might say. She ordered a cute little onesie to make the announcement however it still hasn't arrived. It said something like "recommended for earth by my big brother in heaven". I am not sure of the exact wording but it was sweet. She showed us a picture of a similar shirt. 

Her oldest child died at age 11 and they celebrate his birthday at the cemetery every year. This last birthday he would have been 20. I teased her about starting over once your youngest is in school full time. Her youngest is 7 and he is going to LOOOVE being the big brother!

I might add that I have no room to throw stones about starting over with kiddos! I assured her she is safe from baby snatching by me! I might borrow the little tyke to remind myself once in awhile but that's it. 

YEP she is SAFE.


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