Another long day...

 Last night drug into this morning. Our 7 year-old granddaughter spent the night. This in itself is not unusual. She was unusually nervous and couldn't sleep without Gramma. So I laid down on the bottom bunk with her, and the 10 year-old and 3 out of the four dogs. To say it was miserable is an understatement. Eventually she dozed off and I went to my own bed where the 8 year-old had fallen alseep two hours earlier.

So after a very short two hours the grandchild awoke and was upset the Gramma had ditched her. Back to the crowded bunk and a restless night. Everytime I tried to turn over she was quick to ask where I was going. At 0530 I gave all 3 kiddos thier iPads and told them to be quiet and let me sleep in my bed for a couple of hours.

DH slept the greater part of the day and really seemed out of it. So much for scheduling all appointments in one day and shopping. It was left to me to put the game table that we purchased together. It is assembled after 4 hours and a lot of frustration.  The kids really enjoyed it for about 45 minutes and then it was officially an hour past bedtime. 

While all the laziness before the table assembly was going on, the dishes were reproducing in the sink. I wasted 2 hours on the phone with tech support for the range extender we purchased. It will go back to the store tomorrow. I could not get it to connect. That leaves a bunch of dishes and laundry that must be done tonight or tomorrow or over both time frames.

Lily and Peyton were very excited about the game table. I secrectly hope it gets them away from the tablets. It probably doesn't make sense to lure them from screen time with another type of screen time. But there are only 10 games in this table and they all support eye hand coordination and some critical thinking skills. Plus it is a two player table. That should help. If nothing else I like playing Pac-Man and I am willing to play with them.

I thought it might be a bit small to play at but folding chairs are the right height and it was fairly comfortable to sit and play at it. It is a decent height but if you just wanted to raise it up an small platform would be okay. Now to just figure all the games out and how to change games without turning device off and then on again.


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