Therapy and a trip to the Museum

We have a trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science History planned. The baby is not invited. Well, if her mother comes along then she can come. As of right now mom is not going; therefore baby is not invited to go. If she liked Gramma or even if she just tolerated Gramma maybe she could go.

In the meantime we had a good day with our lessons yesterday and actually accomplished more than I thought we would. After the little bit of bookwork was finished we worked on some valentines, and then some art things and then an impromptu sign language session involving the ten million fireflies song. The 10 year-old is particularly interested in sign language and is really good at signing this particular song.  We marked the calendar to try and include this activity once a week.

Another activity that we were able to work in was a dice game where you must color the hearts based on the number rolled on the die. This turned into a race to see who could color the fastest as opposed to who could color in the lines and follow directions. That meant when you rolled a one you colored one heart. Then on your next roll you choose a different color and color the correct number of hearts. I was able to color in the lines AND follow directions! 

Now I am not saying that the littles cheated... but there are no dice that I know of that have 18 dots on one side. 

I will let the papers tell the story. It is funny to see what a little competition will do to a child when they think they HAVE to win! For my little ADHD kiddo she actually stayed in the lines better than normal and for the "teacher pleaser" she stayed in the lines! Both get to have happy stickers just because they stayed the course and finished. 

That is a big improvement for the 8 year-old as she tends to "quit" when it comes to coloring at all. Usually she gets frustrated because the 7 year-old is a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to coloring! I know, I know, not every kid should get a smiley but for real, it was a vast improvement!

As soon as the therapist arrives I will be off to the Museum with these hooligans! Have a great day!


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